[ANSWER]Assignment 4 Design Your Own Healthcare Organization: Design for a New Healthcare Organization
[ANSWER PREVIEW]In Canada, many rural and remote areas grapple with reduced access to Your Own Healthcare Organization services,
In Canada, many rural and remote areas grapple with reduced access to Your Own Healthcare Organization services, in large part due to the scarcity of healthcare facilities, a problem that is further compounded by geographical barriers (Wilson et al., 2020). These challenges are among the reasons rural and remote populations in the country have poorer health outcomes compared to their counterparts in urban areas (Lavoie et al., 2016). A greater availability of healthcare facilities in rural and remote areas can go a long way in reducing the health outcomes gap between rural/remote and urban populations.
Yukon, a Canadian territory in the northwest part of the country, is one the most remote regions in the country. Similar to many remote areas in Canada, Yukon experiences a shortage of Your Own Healthcare Organization facilities, with the shortage being more marked in towns outside the capital Whitehorse. One such town is Carmacks, one of the least populated towns in Yukon and which is predominantly inhabited by one of the indigenous tribes that constitute the country’s First Nations.
The new health clinic will be established in Carmacks and will be named Carmacks Health Centre (CHC). To be incorporated as a not-for-profit organization, CHC will offer a wide of range of outpatient and inpatient health services, including primary healthcare, emergency care, immunization, oral healthcare, as well as counselling and Your Own Healthcare Organization promotion. The inclusion of these services informed by the widespread inaccessibility to primary healthcare among remote indigenous communities in the northern part of Canada (Oosterveer & Young, 2015).
As Carmacks does not have a huge population, the clinic will be small in size. One of the critical steps in organization design is formulating the mission statement and core values of the organization (Borkowski, 2016). The mission statement communicates the organization’s purpose of existence and serves as the major driver of its strategic direction, while the core values act as the principles that guide everything the Your Own Healthcare Organization does. Considering the disadvantages Carmacks faces as a remote town inhabited by a First Nations tribe, the mission of CHC will be to bring healthcare closer to the people of Carmacks.
The clinic will strive to promote the physical and psychosocial wellbeing of Carmacks’s population. Driven by the principles of equity and social justice, the clinic will seek to eliminate or reduce the barriers that hinder access to healthcare services among the people of Carmacks. In addition to championing equity and social justice in Your Own Healthcare Organization access, the..[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 4020 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 4020
Grade/Mark: 91 (Distinction)