[ANSWER]NURS4018 NURS5003 Research Proposal: Women and Midwives’ Opinion on the Optimal Number of Support Persons in the Labour Room: A Research Proposal
Women and Midwives Opinion
To achieve the objectives of this study, the quantitative approach will be employed. Quantitative research is research that relies on numerical and statistical techniques and tools to answer a research question (Creswell, 2014). The choice of this approach is informed by its advantages compared to the qualitative approach.[ Women and Midwives Opinion ] One advantage is that quantitative research allows the researcher to collect data from a large sample with relatively low costs and little time (Bryman, 2016). This will be an especially important consideration in this research given the financial and time constraints the researcher is likely to face.
Collecting data from a large sample adds another advantage when it comes to quantitative research: it enhances the generalisability of research findings. This is deemed an important advantage in this case considering the lack of readily generalisable research on this topic. Most importantly, the quantitative methodology is the most suited for this research as it aligns more perfectly with its objective compared to the qualitative approach. The aim of the study is to measure Women and Midwives Opinion regarding the optimal number of support persons in the labour room, not to understand their views on the topic at an in-depth level.
This makes the quantitative approach appropriate for the study. Quantitative research may take various forms, notably descriptive (measures and reports a given variable or set of variables without involving any form of manipulation or intervention), correlational (measures the association between two or more variables), and experimental (establishes cause-and-effect relationships between two or more variables) (Creswell, 2014). The present study will take the descriptive design. As mentioned earlier, the aim of the research will be to describe labouring Women and Midwives Opinion on the optimal number of support persons in the labour room.
This means that the study will not involve administering any clinical or non-clinical intervention. It also means that examining the relationship between CLS and other variables will be beyond the scope of this study. Besides aligning with the objective and nature of the present study, the descriptive design is advantageous as it is often less time consuming compared to other quantitative research designs and does not involved complex statistical analyses (Bryman, 2016). Additionally, descriptive research can be a basis for further research on a given topic.
In this case, for example, the present study could be used as a premise to examine the relationship between the number of CLS providers and maternal outcomes in other future studies.[ Women and Midwives Opinion ]In spite of these advantages, however, it should be noted that descriptive research offers little or no knowledge on the cause of a given phenomenon (Creswell, 2014)..[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 4776 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 4776
Grade/Mark: 93 (Distinction)