[ANSWER]Contemporary Issues for Children and Families Assessment 1 – Podcast- Youth Suicide in Australia: Implications for the Development and Wellbeing of Children, Adolescents, and their Families


Wellbeing of Children, Adolescents, and their Families

Wellbeing of Children

A report authored by the House of Representatives’ Standing Committee on Health and Ageing (2011) reveals that youth suicide in Australia is a problem that is attributable to individual, social, and contextual factors [ Wellbeing of Children ]. The findings of this report are consistent with scholarly literature on this topic (Dickson et al., 2019; Hill et al., 2020; McNamara, 2013).

At the individual level, suicide among children and adolescents in Australia is significantly correlated with male gender, mental illness, chronic physical illness, alcohol and substance abuse, low self-esteem, poor coping skills, as well as a sense of hopelessness, guilt,…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 957 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 957

Grade/Mark: 86 (Distinction)
