[ANSWER]Article Critique “Efficacy and effectiveness of an rVSV-vectored Vaccine in Preventing Ebola Virus Disease: Final Results from the Guinea Ring Vaccination, Open-Label, Cluster-Randomised Trial.”
Objective: To critically evaluate epidemiologic literature by assessing methodologies, interpreting study results, and challenging findings.
- Write a brief 3-page critique of the attached paper, “Efficacy and effectiveness of an rVSV-vectored vaccine in preventing Ebola virus disease: final results from the Guinea ring vaccination, open-label, cluster-randomised trial,” by Henao-Restrepo et al. You should consult the below guidelines for your critique, addressing the various aspects as appropriate.
- You do not need to answer every point, but your Vaccine in Preventing Ebola critique should be comprehensive enough to demonstrate your understanding. Your critique should be structured as an essay, double-spaced, 3 pages, and have 1” inch margins.
How to Review a Paper (modified version of Dr. Pam Factor-Litvak’s version):
- What is the study question?
- Identify the design of the study.
- Is the design appropriate to answer the study question?
- Identify the source population.
- Does the study population reflect the source population?
- Identify the participants.
- How were participants selected?
- Was there attrition during the study?
- What are the comparison groups? Are they reasonable?
- Identify the exposure and outcome measures and the key covariates.
- What is the key exposure measure? Is there potential for bias in its collection?
- What is the key outcome measure? Is there potential for bias in its collection?
- What are the key covariates? Is there potential for bias in their collection?
- For how long were the participants followed?
- Was there any potential bias from the observers?
- Was there any potential bias from the participants?
- Identify the main statistical analytic method.
- Are sufficient preliminary data presented?
- Is the choice of statistical model appropriate?
- Evaluate the interpretation of the findings
- Do the investigators focus on biological significance or statistical significance?
- What are the strengths of the study?
- What are the limitations of the study?
- In your opinion, is there evidence of a causal interpretation using Hill’s criteria or another approach?
- Given any problems identified, do the strengths of the study outweigh its weaknesses?
- Are there any policy implications?
Vaccine in Preventing Ebola
Safety (lack of an adverse event) was the key exposure measure. The participants were followed and watched for 30 minutes from the time of vaccination as well as at their homes. The possibility of an a adverse event was then examined Vaccine in Preventing Ebola and judged by the study physicians. No bias was identified in the collection of exposure measure.
According to Henao-Restrepo et al. (2017) the main outcome was a laboratory verified Ebola virus disease case, with outcome measures being blood sample testing and post-mortem results. No bias was apparent in the collection of either Vaccine in Preventing Ebola .
The participants, a total of 5837 including the children were followed for 84 days. The observers only noted a recruitment bias, which they addressed by terminating the enumeration of participants prior to…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1249 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1249
Grade/Mark: 95 (Distinction)