[ANSWER]NUR356 Assessment 2 Part B: The Registered Nurse’s Role in Addressing Unplanned Hospital Readmissions

Unplanned Hospital Readmissions

[ANSWER PREVIEW On Nurse’s Role in Addressing Unplanned Hospital Readmissions]

For the RN, the empowerment effect brought about by authentic leadership can be useful in initiating change to reduce the incidence of unplanned hospital readmissions in the clinical environment. Unplanned hospital readmissions stem from a wide range of patient-level, organisation-level, and system-level factors (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care [ACSQHC] 2019; Considine et al. 2019; Finlayson et al. 2018; Shebeshi, Dolja-Gore & Byles 2020).

At the patient level, being elderly, having multiple chronic health issues, living alone, limited self-management competence and functional limitations increase the risk of hospital readmission (ACSQHC 2019). At the organisational level, incomprehensive care during the original admission, ineffective discharge planning, and poor handling of hospital-to-home care transition are among the major factors that explain the occurrence…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1234 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 1234

Grade/Mark: 86 (Distinction)
