[ANSWER]PYB208 Assessment Task 2: Tutorial Reflection
Tutorial Reflection
Publishing: Nevertheless, three of my peers had a different perspective on the usefulness of the deterministic approach in facilitating change. They opined that since all events are deterministic, change is impossible. The rest of my peers were Tutorial Reflection in favour of the idea of free will. Free will is the opposite of determinism.
It is the view that individuals have the freedom to choose their behaviour (Mills, 2013). Based on the concept of free will, my peers argued that the client should be allowed to be the expert in their own life.
In other words, the client has the freedom to choose change. By exercising free will, an individual can overcome Tutorial Reflection certain problem they…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1140 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1140
Grade/Mark: 86 (Distinction)