[ANSWER]NSG3204 2020 Assessment 1- Transition to Practice in Nursing: Challenges and Solutions
[ANSWER PREVIEW On Transition to Practice in Nursing]
Transition to Practice in Nursing:] At the core of the transitional challenges faced by NRNs is lack of a supportive organisational culture. Organisational culture basically refers to the personality of an organisation. It is how things are done in an organisation. In an unsupportive organisational culture, NRNs are less likely to be given the support they need to transition successfully to professional practice (Wong et al., 2018).
The problem of an unsupportive organisational culture can be further exacerbated by generational differences between nurses. In the typical clinical setting, it is not uncommon for older generations to work alongside younger generations, with the former generally being the experienced ones and in positions of more authority and the latter being the novices and in positions of lower authority. Different generations have different values, beliefs and worldviews and these differences may problematise relationships between different generations of nurses (Moore, Everly & Bauer, 2016).
For example, millennials may find the rigidity of older generations troublesome, resulting in negative conflicts at the workplace. For NRNs to transition to professional practice more successfully, a supportive organisational climate is vital, both at the ward and organisational levels (Hussein et al., 2017). Such a climate entails, among other aspects, robust onboarding…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1988 WORDS]
[SOLUTION DESCRIPTION][Transition to Practice in Nursing]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1988
Grade/Mark: 96 (Distinction)