[Solution] NUR 512 Role Transition to Advanced [Full Course Syllabus]

Role Transition to Advanced
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COURSE SYLLABUS OF Role Transition to Advanced
Term: Fall I Course Title: Role Transition to Advanced Practice Nursing | ||||
Course Number: NUR 512 | ||||
Credit Hours: 3 | ||||
Prerequisites: None | ||||
This course will provide a forum for the student to examine the roles of the advanced practice nurse. The content will include professional practice issues for the Transition to Advanced practice nurse, working independently, and collaborating with other health care professionals within the multi-disciplinary/ multi-agency team. This course will also look the scope of practice, professional responsibilities, and financial aspects of advanced practice.
Upon successfully completing this course, learners will be able to:
- Analyze ethical issues and the scope of practice that governs the advanced practice nurse in the Florida and or other states. (AACN MSN Essentials VII Consensus Model for APRN Regulation: APRN core courses).
Evaluation methods: Discussions
- Discuss the different roles of the Transition to Advanced practice nurse with other health professionals and consumers. (AACN MSN Essentials VII and Consensus Model for APRN Regulation: APRN core courses).
Evaluation methods: Discussions and Role of a Nurse Practitioner
- Analyze interprofessional collaborative healthcare team function of the Advanced Practice Nurse. (AACN MSN Essentials VII and IX Consensus Model for APRN Regulation: APRN core courses).
Evaluation methods: Discussions
- Explain marketing and negotiating strategies to promote acceptance of the advance practice nurse within the practice management system. (AACN MSN Essentials II and Consensus Model for APRN Regulation: APRN core courses).
Evaluation methods: Discussions and Portfolio
Textbook(s) Required
- Hamric, B. A., Hanson, M. C., & Tracy, F. M., & O’Grady, T. E. (2013). Transition to Advanced Practice Nursing: An Integrative Approach (5th ed.). Saunders. ISBN: 9781455739806
- American Psychological Association. (2019). Publication Manuel of the American Psychological Association (7th Edition, 2020 Copyright) (7th ed.). American Psychological Association ISBN: 9781433832154
- Maria T. Codina Leik N-C, A. (2017). Family nurse practitioner certification intensive review: Fast facts and practice questions (3rd ed.). Springer Publishing Company (FNP Students only)
- Fitzgerald, A. M. (2017). Nurse Practitioner Certification Examination and Practice Preparation. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company. ISBN: 978-0803660427 (FNP Students only)
- Barkley, T. W., Jr. (2021). Family nurse practitioner certification review/clinical update continuing education course. Barkley & Associates, Inc. (FNP students only)
- Zakhari, R. (2020). The Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Manual. Springer Publishing Company. ISBN: 9780826179432 (PMHNP Students only)
Assignments, projects, quizzes, and/or exams with brief descriptions of expectations with points/weights assigned to each activity.
Learning Objectives | Quiz | Project | Written Assignment | Lab | Case Study | Final Exam |
1. | ||||||
Grading Scale Letter Percentage A 93-100 Excellent A- 90-92 Very good B+ 87-89 With merit/good B 83-86 Above satisfactory B- 80-82 Failure C+ 77-79 Failure C 73-76 Failure C- 70-72 Failure D+ 67-69 Failure D 60-66 Failure F 0-59 Failure | Grading scheme and weights Assignments Percentage/Points Discussions 30%/70points Assignments 30%/40 points Portfolios 40%/50 points TOTAL 100%/160 |
In general, initial discussion posts are due on Thursdays by 11:59PM, posts in response to your peers are due on Sundays by 11:59PM. Assignments are due on Sundays by 11:59PM. Your Instructor can augment these due dates if necessary. If due dates fall on a religious holiday, it will be reassigned to the following day.
Graduate nursing students are required to achieve a minimum final course grade of 83% to successfully complete the course. If an MSN-NP student does not attain an 83% as an average for all test/exams, case studies, quizzes and assignments, the student will receive an earned letter grade consistent with the average scores for the course and may not progress to the next core course.Students are accountable for all course specific evaluation methods such as quizzes, papers, presentations, etc.
Students who receive a grade of “B-” or less on a course must repeat that course. However, a student can only repeat that course once. Failure of the same course or another course will result in dismissal from the program. A student who fails either the theory or the clinical portion of the course fails the didactic and clinical course. The student must repeat the theory and the clinical portion. Students must successfully pass a term and or semester to successfully progress to the next.
A rubric is provided for each course task in Canvas. Please refer to those rubrics to understand the evaluation criteria for each task.
Academic Honesty
Please see the St. Thomas University Catalog for more information about academic honesty, including consequences of academic dishonesty (See Nursing Student Handbook.)
All the Discussions’ initial posts are required to go through the Turnitin screening process.
- To post your initial post, you must receive a Turnitin Similarity Report that is less than or equal to 20%.
- Your instructor will monitor your Similarity Report and you will automatically receive a 0 in the discussion if you post with a Turnitin Similarity Report that is greater than 20%.
Students are expected to adhere to the academic honesty policy as stated in the college catalog. Students violating the policy in any way will automatically receive an “F” in the course and be referred to the Dean of Students for further disciplinary action.
When submitting an assignment via Turn it in, a similarity report is generated. Similarity Reports provide a summary of matching or highly similar text found in a submitted paper. The student’s Similarity Report is available for viewing; a similarity score percentage of more than 20% will not be accepted. Student will obtain a zero for the assignment. Student has the opportunity to resubmit assignments before the due date to check their similarity score.
Module 1 | Topic: History and development of advance practice nurse |
Discussion: Describe three barriers that have slowed down the progress of advanced practice nursing and strategies to help overcome these barriers. (Saunders, 2014) |
Assignment: Role of a Nurse Practitioner 1. Select and describe an Advanced Nurse Practitioner role. For example, Family Nurse Practitioner or Gerontological Nurse Practitioner or PMHNP 2. Find one research articles and one expert opinion article about this role and summarize the articles. Examples of state innovations include Maryland’s hospital rate setting, Vermont’s single payer system, and Massachusetts’ health reforms 3.Analyze the effects of the advanced practice nurse role in terms of healthcare and patient outcomes. Due in week 3 Complete Complio Report | |
Module 2 | Topic: Process of Role Transition to Advanced |
Discussion: Compare the primary care NP role with other APN roles. What are the similarities among the roles, what are the differences, and how would you communicate the role to a healthcare provider and a consumer? | |
Module 3 | Topic: Competencies of the Advanced Practice Nurse |
Discussion: Reflect on your experiences as a member of a clinical team. What makes a team effective or ineffective in terms of achieving expected outcomes for the patients? (Saunders, 2014) | |
Assignment: Professional Portfolio Part 1 This professional portfolio assignment will prepare the students to market and negotiate for employment as an advanced nurse practitioner. The assignment must contain the following: 1. Copy of a job description (include APA citation of source) 2. One letter of recommendation 3. Resume Resume Sample and resume builder can be found on the St. Thomas website under library section. Once there click on database by subject and then scroll down to career, then click on got resume builder and create a free account. 4. Cover Letter Cover Letter Sample can be found in course textbook on page 543, Box 20-2 Due in week 5 | |
Module 4 | Topic: Regulations and Prescriptive Authority |
Discussion: Choose a state and review the scope of practice for the transition to advanced practice nurse. How does it compare to Florida? | |
Assignment: Health literacy, Health Information, and, Information Technology For this assignment, you will discuss the differences between information literacy and health literacy, and information technology skills. Give examples of each and describe the significance to the transition to advanced nurse. Due in week 6 | |
Module 5 | Topic: Ethical Issues Affecting Advanced Practice Nurse |
Discussion: Describe a situation of ethical dilemma that you have experienced in practice and how it was resolved. (Saunders, 2014) | |
Assignment: Professional Portfolio Part 2 This professional portfolio assignment will prepare the students to market and negotiate for employment as an advanced nurse practitioner. The portfolio will include the following: The form should be completed. Collaborative Practice Agreement See NSC attachment. Fill out your name and all the other information should be fill out fictitiously. Once you have fill out the application, save as collaborative practice agreement, and upload file as an attachment. Professional Liability Insurance Applications Choose one of the following professional liability insurances. Copy and paste one of the links to your web browser to access form. Fill out your name and all the other information should be fill out fictitiously. Once you have fill out the application, save as professional liability insurance application, and upload file as an attachment. AANP or ANCC application Choose one of the certification applications. Copy and paste one of the links to your web browser to access form. Fill out your name and all the other information should be filled out fictitiously. Once you have fill out the application, save as ARNP certification, and upload file as an attachment. Due in week 7 | |
Module 6 | Topic: Marketing and Negotiation |
Discussion: Based on your textbook reading, discuss the process of Transition to Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) business planning from a system approach. | |
Module 7 | Topic: Critical Pathways and Outcomes Analysis |
Discussion: Explain how to measure and monitor the quality of care delivered and the outcomes achieved by an Advanced Practice Nurse. |
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