[ANSWER]Assessment 1 and 2 – Assessment Task 2: Thoracic Surgery Questions
[ANSWER PREVIEW] Prior to the performance of OLV for patients undergoing lung resection Thoracic Surgery Questions
Prior to the performance of OLV for patients undergoing lung resection Thoracic Surgery Questions, the patient is usually placed in the lateral decubitus position (Ng & Swanevelder, 2010). This position causes changes in respiratory physiology that can lead to complications such as hypoxaemia (Ng & Swanevelder, 2010). In this position, air exchange, lung volume, respiratory mechanics, and oxygenation are affected (Mezidi & Guerin, 2018). For mechanically ventilated patients, the lateral position causes an increase in airway resistance and chest wall and lung elastance as well as a decrease in the compliance of the respiratory system.
These physiological changes are linked to reduced concentration of oxygen in the blood (Katz et al., 2018). The physiological changes that occur in the respiratory system as a result of lateral decubitus positioning involve four key variables: FRC, vital capacity, inspired air distribution Thoracic Surgery Questions, and pulmonary blood flow. When a person is in the upright position, pressure on the lungs is generally minimal, meaning respiratory physiology remains optimal (Ishikawa, Nakazawa & Makita, 2003). In the lateral position, however, intra-abdominal pressure on the dependent lung increases (Mezidi & Guerin, 2018)….[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1818 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1821
Grade/Mark: 85 (Distinction)