[ANSWER]PSY5A4 The Psychology of Attraction: Why We Tend to Find People Similar to Us Attractive
[ANSWER PREVIEW] While there is evidence that individuals tend to be attracted to individuals who are like them The Psychology of Attraction.
While there is evidence that individuals tend to be attracted to individuals who are like them The Psychology of Attraction, a key source of contention in literature on this topic is whether the theory still holds even in the context of social desirability. The concept of social desirability is the idea that certain characteristics in people make them more socially attractive than people without those characteristics (Hewitt, 1972). Physical appearance, competence, intelligence and social status are some of the factors that determine social desirability.
In terms of physical appearance, for instance, people tend to be more drawn to people who are physically appealing with respect to visible aspects such as facial beauty and body physique (Little et al., 2011). This prejudice is seen in many social contexts, including the workplace and everyday social interactions. Ordinarily, when an individual meets two strangers and one of the strangers is more physically attractive than the other, the individual is more likely to be attracted to the physically attractive stranger (Launay & Dunbar, 2015). Social desirability is the reason companies go for physically appealing personalities to represent their The Psychology of Attraction…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1799 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1799
Grade/Mark: 90 (Distinction)