[Answer] RES7105 Week 4 Discussion: Telemedicine: How It Can Help In Poverty [Top-Grade Discussion Response]
Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, review the guidelines for using information from various types of sources: Distinguishing Sources by Type (Links to an external site.). Watch the Evaluating Web Resources (Links to an external site.) and Scholarly and Popular Resources (Links to an external site.) video tutorials from the Ashford University Library.
In this discussion, you will have an opportunity to seek out gray literature for your research, and apply the guidelines you have studied to determine if you should use these resources in your research. To get started, conduct an Internet search for institutional, organizational, and governmental agencies that provide information relevant to understanding and researching your topic of interest and research focus. Identify three such sources and describe the kind of information that is available from each source.
- Identify and provide a complete APA citation for three sources that contain information from institutional, organizational or government agency websites that contain information relevant to your research topic or research focus. Consider accessing the Writing Center’s Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) for more on completing a complete reference citation.
- Provide direct links to the three sources within your initial post.
- Analyze how the information you found through the institutional, organizational, or governmental Internet sites is relevant to your topic and research question.
- Evaluate whether it would be reasonable and ethically acceptable to include information from these three sources in a formal research project on your topic, and explain your decision.
[ANSWER PREVIEW] [Telemedicine]
Combi, C., Pozzani, G., & Pozzi, G. (2016). Telemedicine for Developing Countries. Applied Clinical Informatics, 07(04), 1025–1050. https://doi.org/10.4338/aci-2016-06-r-0089 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5228142/)(Telemedicine).
The following is a qualitative research article because it mainly contains descriptive research. The study was conducted through review of existing journals and conferences. The results and information in the article…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 5: 500 WORDS] (Telemedicine)
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