[ANSWER]NURS6640:Teaching and Learning in the Clinical Context

Teaching and Learning

TASK DESCRIPTION This course is premised on the understanding that effective clinical teaching and learning can transform practice and practice environments

Course DescriptionThis course is premised on the understanding that effective clinical teaching and learning can transform practice and practice environments. It explores theories relevant to adult learning, models of clinical teaching, how the clinical organisation influences teaching and learning, and contemporary approaches for improving clinical teaching. Students will be provided with opportunities to integrate their developing knowledge and skills into their own clinical practice and to reflect on and learn from this experience.
Assumed KnowledgeFoundations of nursing/midwifery knowledge, nursing/midwifery theory, legal and ethical issues, fundamentals of research, human bioscience, psychology, sociology related to practice. Principles of investigative approaches in nursing/midwifery, concepts and theories relevant to practice, contemporary nursing or midwifery issues. Academic reading and writing skills, ability to access and evaluate information from a variety of sources, skills in critical analysis, critical judgement, synthesis and evaluation. Ability to conceptualise practice. Meets Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia Standards for Practice.  
Contact HoursOnline Online Activity Online 2 hour(s) per Week for Full Term starting Week 1   Self-Directed Learning Self-Directed 8 hour(s) per Week for Full Term starting Week 1     Callaghan Online Activity Online 2 hour(s) per Week for Full Term   Self-Directed Learning Self-Directed 8 hour(s) per Week for Full Term starting Week 1   Tutorial Face to Face On Campus 2 hour(s) per Week for 4 Weeks  
Unit Weighting10
WorkloadStudents are required to spend on average 120-140 hours of effort (contact and non-contact) including assessments per 10 unit course.


Course CoordinatorKim Taylor Kim.taylor@newcastle.edu.au Availability: Contact via email Consultation: Responses to emails can be expected within 48 business hours. Students are required to check their UoN email account regularly.  
Teaching StaffProf Kerry Inder Kerry.Inder@newcastle.edu.au Availability: Contact via email Consultation: Responses to emails can be expected within 48 business hours. Students are required to check their UoN email account regularly.  
School OfficeSchool of Nursing and Midwifery Richardson Wing University of Newcastle University Drive CALLAGHAN NSW 2308 (+61) 2 4921 6304 Web: http://www.newcastle.edu.au/school/nursing-midwifery  
General EnquiriesAskUoN@newcastle.edu.au (+61) 2 4921 5000
Program & Enrolment AdviceProgramAdvice@newcastle.edu.au
Student SupportFor academic and personal support services for students, visit https://www.newcastle.edu.au/current-students/support


Course Content1. Teaching and learning in the clinical environment
2. Learning styles
3. Adult learning theories
4. Teaching philosophy
5. Develop learning outcomes
6. Providing feedback and conducting evaluation
7. Challenges to effective clinical teaching
8.Teaching health professionals from diverse cultural backgrounds
9. Information and communication technology for teaching and learning
10. Clinical simulation
11. Mentoring, preceptoring and clinical supervision
12. Continuing professional development  
Course Learning OutcomesOn successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Discuss creating a learning community in the clinical context
2. Recognise different learning styles
3. Discuss and apply adult learning theories to the role of clinical teaching
4. Examine the issue of teaching and learning in terms of nurses’/midwives’ responsibilities for ongoing professional education of themselves and others
5. Discuss the implications of information and communication technology on clinical teaching and learning
6. Describe teaching and learning associated with using clinical simulation in the clinical context
7. Explain why feedback and evaluation are important and appropriate strategies for these components of clinical teaching
8. Discuss strategies to use when teaching people from diverse cultures
9. Discuss challenges to effective clinical teaching and learning and how they can be overcome
10. Discuss mentoring, preceptoring and clinical supervision and how they contribute to teaching and learning in the clinical context
11. Develop a teaching philosophy  
Course MaterialsRequired Text:
Bastable, S.B. (Ed.). (2021). Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice (6th ed.). Jones & Bartlett.  
Required Reading:
Links to required readings can be accessed through Canvas Course site.     


In order to pass this course, each student must complete ALL of the following compulsory requirements:

Course Assessment Requirements:

  • Assessment 1 – Quiz: Attempt / Submission Requirement – Students must attempt/submit this assessment item to pass the course.
  • Assessment 2 – Presentation: Attempt / Submission Requirement – Students must attempt/submit this assessment item to pass the course.
  • Assessment 3 – Written Assignment: Attempt / Submission Requirement – Students must attempt/submit this assessment item to pass the course.
  • Assessment 4 – Quiz: Attempt / Submission Requirement – Students must attempt/submit this assessment item to pass the course.
Postgraduate Courses Assessment and Referencing Advice
1         If you need to apply for an extension for an assessment: You should follow the process described in your Course Outline under the heading “Adverse Circumstances”. Please note you will be required to submit documents to support your application. Please do not email your tutor or course coordinator to request an extension because they cannot approve applications for extensions unless they have been submitted using the Adverse Circumstances process.
2         Formatting your assessments: General advice – Use standard (default) margins, double line spacing and 12 point font in your assessments.If you have additional instructions about using headings or an essay format or other formats (such as blogs) – please follow instructions provided for individual assessments.
3         Word count: The length of the assessment is an indication of the number of words needed to address the assessment task. This is a guide, however some students have difficulty keeping their writing within the specified word count. If your assessment exceeds the word count by up to 10%, the entire assessment will be marked. Tutors may stop marking if your assessment exceeds the word count by more than 10%.

Please note the following information from the UON Course Management and Assessment Procedure Manual (Item 250 and 251): “Word limits include headings, sub-heading, in-text citations and quotes referencing but does NOT include the list of references, appendices and footnotes.  The Course Co-ordinator will allow a tolerance of at least 10% of the word limit”. (https://policies.newcastle.edu.au/document/view-current.php?id=183)
4         Referencing: Your assessments must be appropriately referenced. Assessments that are not correctly referenced may have lower marks awarded. Assessments that contain information from other sources that have not been referenced and where it appears that the student is presenting another person’s work or ideas as their own, will be referred to the SACO officer. This constitutes a potential breach of the Student Academic Integrity policy (https://policies.newcastle.edu.au/document/view-current.php?id=35 )

Referencing your Assessments
What should be referenced?
All sources of published information including textbooks, journal articles, course readings, websites, guidelines, policies and government documents that have been used to prepare an assessment MUST be included in the assessment as an in-text citation AND on the reference list. Any documents provided to you to use in the preparation of an assessment must be referenced.Direct quotes MUST be referenced. However, please note direct quotes should be used sparingly and should not constitute more than 10% of an assessment.Information that you have paraphrased in your assessment must also be referenced.Correct citation of sources and referencing is expected in scholarly writing at Masters level. Assessments that are not correctly referenced may be penalised (lower marks awarded). 
Correct referencing style
You are required to use APA 7th Referencing Style in all of your assessments (unless otherwise stated). Check this link for details about using APA 7th Style: https://libguides.newcastle.edu.au/apa-7thCheck this link for details about referencing your course modules: https://libguides.newcastle.edu.au/apa-7th/course and select the “Course outlines & notes” tab. 
Making Referencing Easier
Referencing your assessments is easier if you use a Reference Management Program such as “Endnote”. There is information in Canvas that will assist you to access and use the Endnote referencing program. Select: “Library Essentials” at the top right of your screen, then select “Referencing” from the list of options on the left side of the screen, and then scroll down to select “Endnote”. Or click on this link: http://libguides.newcastle.edu.au/endnote  
Academic Integrity
All new students must complete the Academic Integrity Module (AIM), which can be accessed via the Dashboard in Canvas.  
Assessments that contain information from other sources that have not been referenced and where it appears that the student is presenting another persons’ work or ideas as their own, will be referred to the SACO officer. This constitutes a potential breach of the university Academic Integrity policy.  The Student Academic Integrity Policy is available via this link: https://policies.newcastle.edu.au/document/view-current.php?id=35  


WeekWeek BeginsTopicAssessment Due
18 MayTeaching and learning in the clinical environment. 
215 MayAssessing learning needs, readiness to learn, and learning styles. 
322 MayAdult learning principles and learning theories.Online Learning Activity: QUIZ. Due on Friday 26 May 2023
429 MayTeaching philosophy. 
55 JunLearning outcomes and lesson plans, methods, and materials. 
612 JunEvaluation, assessment, and feedback. 
719 JuneChallenges to effective clinical teaching.Presentation. Due on Monday 19 June 2023
826 JuneTeaching health professionals from diverse cultural backgrounds. 
93 JulyInformation and communication technology for teaching and learning. 
1010 JulyClinical simulation.Written Assignment: Teaching Philosophy. Due on Monday 10 July 2023
1117 JulyMentoring, preceptoring and clinical supervision. 
1224 JulyContinuing professional development.Online Learning Activity: QUIZ Due on Friday 28 July 2023


This course has 4 assessments. Each assessment is described in more detail in the sections below.

 Assessment NameDue DateInvolvementWeightingLearning Outcomes
1Online Learning Activity: Quiz*Friday 26 May 23:00 AESTIndividual15%1, 2, 3
2Narrated Presentation*Monday 19 June 23:00 AESTIndividual30%1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
3Written Assessment*Monday 10 July 23:00 AESTIndividual40%1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
4Online Learning Activity: Quiz*Friday 28 July 23:00 AESTIndividual15%7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
This assessment has a compulsory requirement.
Late SubmissionsThe mark for an assessment item submitted after the designated time on the due date, without an approved extension of time, will be reduced by 10% of the possible maximum mark for that assessment item for each day or part day that the assessment item is late. Note: this applies equally to week and weekend days.

Assessment 1 – Quiz

Assessment TypeOnline Learning Activity
PurposeThe purpose of the ‘Online Learning Activity’ is to test your knowledge on the course content covered during weeks 1-2 i.e., Nurse/Midwife educator competencies and skills, learning needs, readiness to learn, learning styles.
DescriptionThere are 15 Multiple Choices Question that you are required to complete via Canvas. You will only be allowed to have one attempt within the designated week. You will have one hour to complete this assessment.
Compulsory RequirementsAttempt / Submission Requirement – Students must attempt/submit this assessment item to pass the course
Length15 multiple choice questions
Due DateFriday 26 May 23:00 Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)
Submission MethodOnline. Canvas
Assessment Criteria  N/A
Return MethodOnline. Canvas
Feedback ProvidedOnline
Opportunity to ReattemptStudents will NOT be given the opportunity to reattempt this assessment

Assessment 2 – PowerPoint Presentation and Clinical Lesson Plan

Assessment TypePresentation and lesson plan
PurposeThe purpose of this assessment is to apply your learnings from weeks 1-6 in the development of a teaching session lesson plan in your clinical context. At the completion of this assessment you should be able to transfer this lesson plan into a teaching session.
DescriptionYou are required to develop a PowerPoint presentation of a lesson plan focussed on a clinical topic or skill of interest to you. Apply the Nurse Educator Core Competencies (WHO, 2016) or Midwife (WHO, 2014) Educator Core Competencies throughout where applicable.  
Your presentation is to include a minimum of 7 slides and no more than 9 slides.
Slides are to be visually appealing – you can use the designer tool in PowerPoint to help. Dot points and graphics are acceptable. Please avoid slides with lots of text (not everything you would say needs to be written on the slide). Please include references in-text on a slide when you source or refer to the work of others. A guide to the content is:
a. First slide –State the title of your presentation, your name, student ID and course (NURS6640).
b. Second slide – Outline the content area of the presentation and the lesson plan. Include the focus and purpose of the teaching session, audience, proposed location, proposed length of the session, methodology, resources and materials required.
c. Third slide – Provide a background to the clinical topic or skill including the learning needs and why this topic or skill is important.
d. Fourth slide – Provide the learning outcomes of your proposed teaching session.
e. Fifth – up to eighth slide – Provide an outline of the lesson content addressing the learning outcomes and how you will evaluate the session.
f. Final slide –Include a list of references. Students are required to submit a word document of the narration that would accompany each slide. Please include references in the narration document to demonstrate academic integrity.
The duration of the narration should be no more than 10 minutes.  
Compulsory RequirementsAttempt / Submission Requirement – Students must attempt/submit this assessment item to pass the course
LengthSeven to nine slides with a narration of no longer than 10 minutes duration
Due DateMonday 19 June 2022 23:00 Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)
Submission MethodOnline. Canvas
Assessment CriteriaSee Appendix A
Return MethodOnline. Canvas
Feedback ProvidedOnline. Feedback will be provided online within three weeks of the date you submitted the assessment
Opportunity to ReattemptStudents will NOT be given the opportunity to reattempt this assessment

Assessment 3 – Teaching Philosophy

Assessment TypeWritten Assignment
PurposeThe purpose of this assessment is to consolidate your learnings from this Course and demonstrate what you envisage will underpin your teaching and learning activities in the clinical context in the future.  
DescriptionThis assessment item has two parts:  
Part 1: Reflecting on your teaching session in assessment 2 and your own experiences as a teacher and a student provide your vision and philosophy of teaching and learning in the clinical context, with references. [500 words].  

Part 2: With reference to the WHO Nurse (2016) or Midwifery (2014) Educators Core Competencies select two core competency statements from the eight domains that you need to strengthen to improve your teaching in the clinical context. Critically examine one evidence-based strategy or approach for each competency statement selected and describe how you would apply this to support your learning and to strengthen your teaching.

Please apply the cognitive(knowledge), affective (attitude and behavior) and psychomotor (skills and ability) domains for each selected competency. [1000 words]  
Please reference both parts of this assessment.
Compulsory RequirementsAttempt / Submission Requirement – Students must attempt/submit this assessment item to pass the course
Length1,500-word limit (excluding tables, figures and the reference list)
Due DateMonday 10 July 23:00 Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)
Submission MethodOnline. Canvas
Assessment CriteriaSee Appendix B
Return MethodOnline. Canvas
Feedback ProvidedOnline. Within 3 weeks from submission date.
Opportunity to ReattemptStudents will NOT be given the opportunity to reattempt this assessment

Assessment 4 – Quiz

Assessment TypeOnline Learning Activity
PurposeThe purpose of the ‘Online Learning Activity’ is to test your knowledge on the course content covered during weeks 6-11.  
DescriptionThere are 15 Multiple Choices Question that you are required to complete via Canvas. You will only be allowed to have one attempt within the designated week. You will have one hour to complete this assessment.
Compulsory RequirementsAttempt / Submission Requirement – Students must attempt/submit this assessment item to pass the course
Length15 multiple choice questions
Due DateFriday 28 July 23:00 Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)
Submission MethodOnline. Canvas
Assessment Criteria  N/A
Return MethodOnline. Canvas
Feedback ProvidedOnline
Opportunity to ReattemptStudents will NOT be given the opportunity to reattempt this assessment


Grading Scheme: This course is graded as follows:

Range of MarksGradeDescription
85-100High Distinction (HD)Outstanding standard indicating comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the relevant materials; demonstration of an outstanding level of academic achievement; mastery of skills*; and achievement of all assessment objectives.
75-84Distinction (D)Excellent standard indicating a very high level of knowledge and understanding of the relevant materials; demonstration of a very high level of academic ability; sound development of skills*; and achievement of all assessment objectives.
65-74Credit (C)Good standard indicating a high level of knowledge and understanding of the relevant materials; demonstration of a high level of academic achievement; reasonable development of skills*; and achievement of all learning outcomes.
50-64Pass (P)Satisfactory standard indicating an adequate knowledge and understanding of the relevant materials; demonstration of an adequate level of academic achievement; satisfactory development of skills*; and achievement of all learning outcomes.
0-49Fail (FF)Failure to satisfactorily achieve learning outcomes.  If all compulsory course components are not completed the mark will be zero. A fail grade may also be awarded following disciplinary action.
*Skills are those identified for the purposes of assessment task(s).
Communication MethodsCommunication methods used in this course include:
Canvas Course Site: Students will receive communications via the posting of content or announcements on the Canvas course site.
Email: Students will receive communications via their student email account.
Face to Face: Communication will be provided via Zoom, face-to-face meetings or supervision  
Course EvaluationEach year feedback is sought from students and other stakeholders about the courses offered in the University for the purposes of identifying areas of excellence and potential improvement. As a result of student feedback, the following changes have been made to this offering of the course: The assessments and marking criteria were changed.  
Oral Interviews (Vivas)As part of the evaluation process of any assessment item in this course an oral examination (viva) may be conducted. The purpose of the oral examination is to verify the authorship of the material submitted in response to the assessment task. The oral examination will be conducted in accordance with the principles set out in the Oral Examination (viva) Procedure. In cases where the oral examination reveals the assessment item may not be the student’s own work the case will be dealt with under the Student Conduct Rule.  
Academic MisconductAll students are required to meet the academic integrity standards of the University. These standards reinforce the importance of integrity and honesty in an academic environment. Academic Integrity policies apply to all students of the University in all modes of study and in all locations. For the Student Academic Integrity Policy, refer to https://policies.newcastle.edu.au/document/view-current.php?id=35.  
Adverse CircumstancesThe University acknowledges the right of students to seek consideration for the impact of allowable adverse circumstances that may affect their performance in assessment item(s).
Applications for special consideration due to adverse circumstances will be made using the online Adverse Circumstances system where:
1.        the assessment item is a major assessment item; or
2.        the assessment item is a minor assessment item and the Course Co-ordinator has specified in the Course Outline that students may apply the online Adverse Circumstances system;
3.        you are requesting a change of placement; or
4.        the course has a compulsory attendance requirement.
Before applying you must refer to the Adverse Circumstance Affecting Assessment Items Procedure available at:
Important Policy Information  The Help button in the Canvas Navigation menu contains helpful information for using the Learning Management System. Students should familiarise themselves with the policies and procedures at https://www.newcastle.edu.au/current-students/no-room-for/policies-and-procedures that support a safe and respectful environment at the University.
This course outline was approved by the Head of School. No alteration of this course outline is permitted without Head of School approval. If a change is approved, students will be notified and an amended course outline will be provided in the same manner as the original. © 2023 The University of Newcastle, Australia
Appendix A. Assessment 2 PowerPoint Presentation – Marking Rubric (30%)
CriteriaHigh Distinction (100-85%)Distinction (84-75%)Credit (74-65%)Pass (64-50%)Fail (49-0%)Score
Criterion 1a (2 marks) Slide 2 of the presentation clearly outlines the content of the clinical teaching session and lesson planRange: 2.0-1.7 marks Outstanding introduction of the clinical teaching session – introduces topic and states nameRange: 1.6-1.5 marks Excellent introduction of the clinical teaching sessionRange: 1.4-1.3 marks Appropriate introduction of the clinical teaching sessionRange: 1.2-1.0 marks Satisfactory introduction of the clinical teaching sessionRange: 0.9-0.0 marks Inadequate introduction of the clinical teaching session. 0 marks if not attempted/2
Criterion 1b (2 marks) Slide 2 notes section/ lesson plan: Identifies the learner(s) who will receive the clinical teaching session and the contextRange: 2.0-1.7 marks Outstanding identification of learners and contextRange: 1.6-1.5 marks Excellent identification of learners and contextRange: 1.4-1.3 marks Appropriate identification of learners and contextRange: 1.2-1.0 marks Satisfactory identification of learners and contextRange: 0.9-0.0 marks Inadequate identification of learners and context. 0 marks if not attempted/2
Criterion 2a (3 marks) Slide 3 of the presentation: Describes the subject/skill being taught and the background to why this is important, including the learning needsRange: 3.0-2.6 marks Outstanding description of the subject/skill and explanation of the learning outcomesRange: 2.5-2.3 marks Excellent description of the subject skill and explanation of the learning outcomesRange: 2.2-1.9 marks Appropriate description of the subject skill and explanation of the learning outcomesRange: 1.8-1.5 marks Satisfactory description of the subject skill and explanation of the learning outcomesRange: 1.4-0.0 marks Inadequate description of the subject skill and explanation of the learning outcomes. 0 marks if not attempted/3
Criterion 2b (3 marks) Slide 3 notes section/ lesson plan: Describes the background and identifies and justifies learning needsRange: 3.0-2.6 marks Outstanding identification and/justification of learning needs and explanation of the outcomes of the sessionRange: 2.5-2.3 marks Excellent identification and justification of learning needsRange: 2.2-1.9 marks Appropriate identification and justification of learning needsRange: 1.8-1.5 marks Satisfactory identification and justification of learning needsRange: 1.4-0.0 marks Inadequate identification and justification of learning needs. 0 marks if not attempted/3
Criterion 3a (3 marks) Slide 4 of the presentation describes the learning outcomesRange: 3.0-2.6 marks Outstanding description of the learning outcomesRange: 2.5-2.3 marks Excellent description of the learning outcomesRange: 2.2-1.9 marks Appropriate description of the learning outcomesRange: 1.8-1.5 marks Satisfactory description of the learning outcomesRange: 1.4-0.0 marks Inadequate description of the learning outcomes. 0 marks if not attempted/3
Criterion 3b (3 marks) Slide 4 notes section/ lesson plan:  Explains the outcomes of the sessionRange: 3.0-2.6 marks Outstanding explanation of the outcomes of the sessionRange: 2.5-2.3 marks Excellent explanation of outcomes of the sessionRange: 2.2-1.9 marks Appropriate explanation of the outcomes of the sessionRange: 1.8-1.5 marks Satisfactory explanation of outcomes of the sessionRange: 1.4-0.0 marks Inadequate explanation of the outcomes of the session. 0 marks if not attempted/3
Criterion 4a (3 marks) Slides 5-8 of the presentation provides a clear and logical clinical teaching session for the subject/skill. Learning outcomes are metRange: 3.0-2.6 marks Outstanding clarity and logic in the clinical teaching session for the subject/skill. Learning outcomes are metRange: 2.5-2.3 marks Excellent clarity and logic in the clinical teaching session for the subject/skill. Learning outcomes are metRange: 2.2-1.9 marks Appropriate clarity and logic in the clinical teaching session for the subject/skill. Learning outcomes are metRange: 1.8-1.5 marks Satisfactory clarity and logic in the clinical teaching session for the subject/skill. Learning outcomes are metRange: 1.4-0.0 marks Inadequate clarity and logic in the clinical teaching session for the subject/skill. 0 marks if not attempted/3
Criterion 4b (3 marks) Slides 5-8 notes section/lesson plan: Clinical teaching lesson plan is clear and logical. Alignment to learning objectives is providedRange: 3.0-2.6 marks Outstanding clarity and logic in the lesson plan with alignment to the learning outcomesRange: 2.5-2.3 marks Excellent clarity and logic in the lesson plan with alignment to the learning outcomesRange: 2.2-1.9 marks Appropriate clarity and logic in the lesson plan with alignment to the learning outcomesRange: 1.8-1.5 marks Satisfactory clarity and logic in the lesson plan with alignment to the learning outcomesRange: 1.4-0.0 marks Inadequate clarity and logic in the lesson plan with alignment to the learning outcomes. 0 marks if not attempted/3
Criterion 5 (2 marks) Applies the Nurse (WHO, 2016) or Midwifery (WHO, 2014) Educator Core Competencies (NECC) throughout where applicableRange: 2.0-1.7 marks Outstanding application of the Nurse Educator Core CompetenciesRange: 1.6-1.5 marks Excellent application of the Nurse Educator Core CompetenciesRange: 1.4-1.3 marks Appropriate application of the Nurse Educator Core CompetenciesRange: 1.2-1.0 marks Satisfactory application of the Nurse Educator Core CompetenciesRange: 0.9-0.0 marks Inadequate or absence of application of the Nurse Educator Core Competencies. 0 marks if not attempted/2
Criterion 6 (4 marks) Structured and timed as per requirements in Course outline. Academic Writing and Expression. Slides visually appealing and are clearly supported by the narration document and in logical sequence. Correct spelling throughoutRange: 4.0-3.4 marks Meets all style requirements as per course outline, including number of slides and timing of narration. Exemplary high levels of authenticity and independent thought. Ideas are clearly expressed. Outstanding visually appealing slides; clearly supported by the exemplary narration document and in logical sequence. Exemplary spelling with no errorsRange: 3.3-3.0 marks Meets most style requirements as per course outline. Authentic and original writing that clearly synthesises the key points of the assignment. Expression is clear. Excellent visually appealing slides; clearly supported by the excellent narration document and in logical sequence. Excellent spelling, minor errorsRange: 2.9-2.6 marks Meets most style requirements as per course outline. Authentic and original writing that clearly addresses the key points of the assignment. Expression is appropriate. Appropriate visually appealing slides; clearly supported by narration document and in logical sequence. Minor errors only in spellingRange: 2.6-2.0 marks Meets some style requirements as per course outline. Authentic attempts to show independent thought. Satisfactory expression.  Satisfactory visually appealing slides; clearly supported by narration document and in logical sequenceRange: 1.9-0.0 marks Not structured and timed as per requirements in course outline. Language hinders the effective flow of ideas and meaning. Lacks visually appealing slides and sense of cohesion or alignment. Multiple errors in spelling/4  
Criterion 7 (2 marks) Reference slide(s) and in text referencing using APA 7Range: 2.0-1.7 marks Complies with all the referencing style requirements. There are no errors in referencing throughoutRange: 1.6-1.5 marks APA 7 referencing style is consistently accurate. Less than 5 minor referencing errorsRange: 1.4-1.3 marks Complies with referencing style requirements. Some referencing errors in in-text and/or referencing list (5-7)Range: 1.2-1.0 marks Attempts to use APA 7 style. Some errors in in-text and/or referencing list (8-10).Range: 0.9-0.0 marks In-text referencing may be absent OR reference list and contains major errors (>10). 0 marks if no referencing/2
TotalNote: Assessment is worth 30% of final mark/30
Appendix B. Assessment 3 Written Assessment: Teaching Philosophy (40%)
CriteriaHigh Distinction (100-85%)Distinction (84-75%)Credit (74-65%)Pass (64-50%)  Fail (49-0%)Score
Criterion 1 (4 marks) Provides a vision statement for teaching and learning in the clinical contextRange: 4.0-3.4 marks Outstanding individual vision statement of being of clinical educatorRange: 3.3-3.0 marks Excellent individual vision statement of being a clinical educatorRange: 2.9-2.6 marks Appropriate individual vision statement of being a clinical educatorRange: 2.6-2.0 marks Satisfactory individual vision statement of being a clinical educatorRange: 1.9-0.0 marks Inadequate individual vision statement of being a clinical educator. 0 marks if not attempted/4
Criterion 2 (10 mark) Provides an individual philosophy of teaching and learning in the clinical contextRange: 10.0-8.5 marks Outstanding individual philosophy of being of clinical educatorRange: 8.4-7.5 marks Excellent individual philosophy of being a clinical educatorRange: 7.4-6.5 marks Appropriate individual philosophy of being a clinical educatorRange: 6.4-5.0 marks Satisfactory individual philosophy of being a clinical educatorRange: 4.9-0.0 marks Inadequate individual philosophy of being a clinical educator. 0 marks if not attempted/10
Criterion 3 (4 marks) Select 2 core competencies from the eight domains in the WHO Nurse (2016) or WHO Midwifery (2014) core nurse / midwife educator competencies identifying the areas in your own clinical teaching that need to be strengthened according to your own self-assessmentRange: 4.0-3.4 marks Outstanding identification and explanation of 2 core competencies that need to be strengthened in own contextRange: 3.3-3.0 marks Excellent identification and explanation of 2 core competencies that need to be strengthened in own contextRange: 2.9-2.6 marks Appropriate identification and explanation of 2 core competencies that need to be strengthened in own contextRange: 2.6-2.0 marks Satisfactory identification and explanation of 2 core competencies that need to be strengthened in own contextRange: 1.9-0.0 marks Inadequate identification and explanation of 2 core competencies that need to be strengthened in own context. 0 marks if not attempted/4
Criterion 4 (8 marks) Critically examine one evidence-based strategy or approach for each competency statement selectedRange: 8.0-6.8 marks Outstanding critical examination of one evidence-based strategy or approach for each competency statement selected (two strategies in total)Range: 6.7-6.0 marks Excellent critical examination of one evidence-based strategy or approach for each competency statement selected (two strategies in total)Range: 5.9-5.2 marks Appropriate critical examination of one evidence-based strategy or approach for each competency statement selected (two strategies in total)Range: 5.1-4.0 marks Satisfactory critical examination of one evidence-based strategy or approach for each competency statement selected (two strategies in total)Range: 3.9-0.0 marks Inadequate critical examination of one evidence-based strategy or approach for each competency statement selected (two strategies in total). 0 marks if not attempted/8
Criterion 5 (4 marks) Describe how you would apply the chosen strategies to support your own learning and strengthen your teachingRange: 4.0-3.4 marks Outstanding description of how the chosen strategies would be used to support your own learning and to strengthen your teachingRange: 3.3-3.0 marks Excellent description of how the chosen strategies would be used to support your own learning and to strengthen your teachingRange: 2.9-2.6 marks Appropriate description of how the chosen strategies would be used to support your own learning and to strengthen your teachingRange: 2.6-2.0 marks Satisfactory description of how the chosen strategies would be used to support your own learning and to strengthen your teachingRange: 1.9-0.0 marks Inadequate description of how the chosen strategies would be used to support your own learning and to strengthen your teaching. 0 marks if not attempted/4
Criterion 6 (3 marks) For each selected competency describes how the cognitive (knowledge), affective (attitude and behaviour) and psychomotor (skills and ability) domains are metRange: 3.0-2.6 marks Outstanding description of how the cognitive (knowledge), affective (attitude and behaviour) and psychomotor (skills and ability) domains are metRange: 2.5-2.3 marks Excellent description of how the cognitive (knowledge), affective (attitude and behaviour) and psychomotor (skills and ability) domains are metRange: 2.2-1.9 marks Appropriate description of how the cognitive (knowledge), affective (attitude and behaviour) and psychomotor (skills and ability) domains are metRange: 1.8-1.5 marks Satisfactory description of how the cognitive (knowledge), affective (attitude and behaviour) and psychomotor (skills and ability) domains are metRange: 1.4-0.0 marks Inadequate description of how the cognitive (knowledge), affective (attitude and behaviour) and psychomotor (skills and ability) domains are met. 0 marks if not attempted/3
Criterion 7 (3 marks) Academic Writing and Expression – writing is authentic and clearly expresses ideas. Uses correct spelling and paragraph structure throughout. Structured as per requirements in Course outlineRange: 3.0-2.6 marks Exemplary writing with very high levels of authenticity and independent thought. Ideas are clearly expressed. Introductory sentence used at the start of paragraphs. Main subject matter is developed within each paragraph. Concluding sentence used at the end of paragraphs. Exemplary spelling, grammar, and syntax with no errors. Meets all style requirementsRange: 2.5-2.3 marks Evidence of excellent academic writing skills.  Authentic and original writing that clearly synthesises the key points of the assignment. Expression is clear. Correct use of paragraphs. Discussion in each paragraph provides sufficient depth to demonstrate understanding. Excellent spelling, grammar, and syntax < 5 minor errors. Meets all style requirementsRange: 2.2-1.9 marks Evidence of sound academic writing.  Authentic and original writing that clearly addresses the key points of the assignment. Expression is appropriate. Paragraphs are 5-7 sentences in length and sentences are clear and concise. Minor errors only in syntax, spelling and grammar. Meets all style requirementsRange: 1.8-1.5 marks Authentic writing that attempts to show independent thought. May struggle with written expression. Attempts to use paragraphs.  Some sentences may be too long/short. Meets almost all style requirements including spacing, page numbers, font, headingsRange: 1.4-0.0 marks Disorganised and lacks any sense of cohesion or alignment. Language hinders the effective flow of ideas and meaning. Sentences lack structure and are consistently too short or too long. Multiple errors in spelling, grammar, and style. Not structured as per requirements in Course Outline/3
Criterion 8 (4 marks) Literature sources and referencing – wide range of contemporary relevant sources are used in text and listed in references. Appropriate and consistent use of APA 7 referencing styleRange: 4.0-3.4 marks Sources are appropriate, contemporary and from a range of journals and databases. Complies with all the referencing style requirements. There are no errors in referencing throughoutRange: 3.3-3.0 marks Sources are appropriate, contemporary and from a range of journals and databases. APA 7 referencing style is consistently accurate. Less than 5 minor referencing errorsRange: 2.9-2.6 marks Sources are appropriate, mostly contemporary and from a narrow range of journals and databases.  Complies with referencing style requirements. Some referencing errors in in-text and/or referencing list (5-7)Range: 2.6-2.0 marks Sources are mostly relevant however there are too few to demonstrate wide reading. Attempts to use APA 7 style. Some errors in in-text and/or referencing list (8-10)Range: 1.9-0.0 marks Sources are inappropriate and/or absent. In-text referencing may be absent and/or reference list and contains major errors (>10). 0 marks if no sources or referencing/4
TotalNote: Assessment is worth 40% of final mark/40 


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