[Answer] A Critical Comparison of Approaches Used in Assessing Violent and Sexual Offenders [Full Essay Answer]

[Answer] A Critical Comparison of Approaches Used in Assessing Violent and Sexual Offenders [Full Essay Answer]

Offender risk assessment helps correctional institutions in determining how to handle these offenders while they are still in prison and after they are released on parole (Hanson & Thornton 2000). For example, sex offenders deemed to be highly risky may be subjected to restrictions such as indeterminate sentences and post-sentence detention (Latessa & Lovins 2010). Correctional personnel rely on different instruments to assess offender risk. While some approaches…

[Solution] Addiction [Full Top-Grade Answer]

[Solution] Addiction [Full Top-Grade Answer]

Biological, social, psychologic, and cultural factors can contribute to addiction. Biologically, genetics surrounding alcohol addiction are intricate and yet to be understood entirely. However, it is thought that a total of 51 genes influence, for instance, the kind of feeling someone experiences when they take alcohol and their likelihood of stopping the behavior (Juergens, 2019). Children born…

[Solution] Decision-making Tools for Nurses Discussion Board

[Solution] Decision-making Tools for Nurses Discussion Board

Ideally, the junior officers are the most involved in running day to day lives of the residents. Therefore, implementing a strategic plan while only involving senior level management may not capture the actual situation. The strategy will be largely ineffective because…Order Customised Solution Starting from just USD 11 per page. Contact Our Support on Whatsapp Now!

[Solution] NUR-420-AP1 COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING All Assignments and Discussions

[Solution] NUR-420-AP1 COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING All Assignments and Discussions

COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING (NUR-420-AP1)-Module 3 Assignment

Community Assessment

Using a variety of instruments (Windshield Survey, Community Assessment Tool, Screening interviews, etc.) while in your community, you will assess the community location. This will lead to a list of identified, prioritized health needs and your recommendations for intervention.

You will complete a windshield survey of your community. The objective of a windshield survey is to assess a community in a short, simple way, compiling data to help form an analysis of that community. Simply put