[ANSWER]Social Change Paper: OIC of America: Successes and Potential Challenges
Successes and Potential Challenges
To understand OIC’s contribution to the social economy, it is first important to look at its overall mission and objectives, Successes and Potential Challenges. OIC’s mission is “to provide quality education and training services through a national network of local affiliates that will enable economically disadvantaged and unemployed people of all races and backgrounds become productive, more fulfilled members of society” (OIC of America, n.d.). This mission is inspired by an aspiration to create “a world in which all people are contributing members of their families and communities” (OIC of America, n.d.).
Driven by robust commitment to self-development, citizenship, innovation, grassroots mobilization and integrity, the organization offers training and development programs in six key areas: vocational training, work readiness, re-entry, education, youth development, and healthcare. Based on its mission and objective, Successes and Potential Challenges,
OIC is undoubtedly a SE organization. SE organizations are diverse in scope and objectives, but their core purpose is social in nature even if there may be focus on economic objectives (Quarter et al., 2014). From charity organizations and voluntary foundations to social enterprises and community development organizations, SE organizations seek to address social problems, particularly targeting less privileged members of the society, such as unemployed youths, racial minorities, homeless people, and the disabled (Quarter et al., 2018).
OIC fits this conceptualization as it focuses on equipping economically disadvantaged groups with workforce skills. For example, through the vocational training program, the organization helps low-skilled (both unemployed and working) persons acquire new skills that enhance their employability and, consequently, their ability to secure higher-paying employment opportunities[ Successes and Potential Challenges]. Such skills traverse diverse employment sectors including construction, manufacturing, information technology, and renewable energy (OIC of America, n.d.). In the youth development program, the organization seeks to enable young…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2816 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 2816
Grade/Mark: 95 (Distinction)