[ANSWER] Strategies of Intervention Plan: Case Analysis and Strategies of Intervention Plan

TASK DESCRIPTION Of Case Analysis and Strategies of Intervention Plan
Part 1– Case Analysis :
This paper requires students to do library research on one form of trauma that people experience. Forms of trauma include, but are not limited to: assault, accidental injury, exposure to war, rape, life threatening illness, domestic violence, child sexual or physical abuse, kidnapping, torture, and threats to one’s life or physical well-being.
Discuss the consequences of the type of traumatization you have chosen as the focus of your paper. What tends to happen to people who experience this form of trauma? You are looking to describe the consequences of this type of trauma for the urban individual, family, community, or culture. Here are some questions to consider:
- What are the demographics for this population and/or how pervasive is the problem?
- Identify if this is a simple or complex trauma and why.
- Are there particular groups who are more vulnerable?
- What factors of the trauma are most influential in the severity of symptoms?
- What is the particular range of reactions to this trauma?
- What communities and systems could be impacted and/or involved?
Include at least 6 references from the professional literature; 4 of these must be from current professional journals in social work, psychology, psychiatry, or other closely related fields. Internet sources may be used in addition to these 6 sources. Use APA format to cite all references. This section should be 4-5 pages in length.
Part 2– Strategies of Intervention Plan
- Identify two of the most effective, evidenced based practice treatment models utilized for survivors of this form of trauma.
- Why are these approaches the most effective?
- What modalities are used?
- Discuss the phases of recovery for survivors as they apply to treatment.
- What are potential barriers to accessing treatment for your population group?
Include at least 8 references from the professional literature; 6 of these must be from current professional journals in social work, psychology, psychiatry, or other closely related fields. Internet sources may be used in addition to these 8 sources.
[ANSWER PREVIEW- Case Analysis and Strategies of Intervention Plan]
Child sexual abuse is a complex phenomenon (Seshadri and Ramaswamy 2019)Case Analysis and Strategies of Intervention Plan, which comes with equally complex trauma. The complexity of the trauma stems from two major reasons; underreporting and lifelong impacts which require complex intervention processes. Disclosure is the main method of detecting cases of child sexual abuse. The victims have to disclose the issue through reporting their abusers, after which an action is taken. Even then, there are just as many barriers to disclosures as there are facilitators of child sexual abuse.
Consequently, there are numerous cases that do not come to the limelight and the victims are left with permanent physical and psychological impacts. One of the barriers to disclosure is the fact that the process in current medical practice is iterative and interactive instead of being made discrete and contextual (Alaggia, Colin-Vezina & Lateef, 2019) Case Analysis and Strategies of Intervention Plan. The fact that the current model is interactive makes it difficult for victims to disclose the issue as they fear shame and potential stigma, or even fatal revenge from the perpetrators.
The complexities surrounding disclosure has ripple negative effects to research in the sense that with insufficient information on the subject, researchers cannot adequately understand its scope and implement proper and effective intervention mechanisms. Child sexual abuse also has a complex yet long array of impacts on the victims. The negative impacts include emotional, physical, psychological, behavioral, and even socio-economic (Fisher, Goldsmith, Hurcombe & Soares, 2017)Case Analysis and Strategies of Intervention Plan. Under each category are specific impacts, which require complex tailor-made intervention approach. The range of impacts means that……[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2551 WORDS]
[SOLUTION DESCRIPTION-Case Analysis and Strategies of Intervention Plan ]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 2551
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Grade/Mark: 89 (Distinction)