[ANSWER]BAA753 HELG Health Ethics Assessment 3 – Staff Safety During a Pandemic Outbreak: Ethical, Legal and Governance Perspectives

Staff Safety During a Pandemic


Staff Safety During a Pandemic: Another core ethical principle in healthcare is beneficence. Beneficence denotes doing good to others (Boyd 2005). Individuals and organisations have a moral obligation to be of benefit to others. The principle of beneficence has important implications for staff safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a healthcare organisation, SVHNS has an ethical duty to benefit healthcare workers.

One of the ways through which healthcare organisations can benefit healthcare workers during the pandemic is providing them with PPE. Constant availability of PPE has been touted as critical to protecting healthcare workers from the risk of COVID-19 infection (Bielicki et al. 2020; WHO 2020)(Staff Safety During a Pandemic). Since the beginning of the pandemic, SVHNS has ensured that staff members, especially those in medical wards, have PPE when caring for COVID-19 patients. This embodies the organisation’s commitment to the principle of beneficence.   

3.3 Autonomy

The principle of autonomy requires that individuals have a right to individuality (Boyd 2005). It is about respecting an individual’s free choice, self-mastery, and privacy. Healthcare organisations have a moral obligation to uphold autonomy for not only patients, but also staff members. Healthcare employees typically work under the authority of the management, but this not necessarily mean their autonomy should be ignored.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, SVHNS can observe autonomy for staff members by listening to them and involving them in decision-making. As the entities directly involved in caring for COVID-19 patients and implementing the measures the organisation has undertaken to keep patients and staff safe during the pandemic, healthcare workers are likely to have their own input and concerns regarding various issues. For example, due to the physical exhaustion and psychological distress that comes with increased workload in the wake of the pandemic, a staff member may wish to take a day off to refresh. The principle of autonomy requires that the management listens to such concerns.    

3.4 Nonmaleficence

Closely related to the principle of beneficence is the principle of nonmaleficence. This principle obligates individuals and organisations to act in a manner that does not cause harm to others (Boyd 2005). As moral agents, individuals and…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 3449 WORDS](Staff Safety During a Pandemic)

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Type: Essay

Word Count: 3449

Grade/Mark: 95 (Distinction)

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