[ANSWER]SPC1017-2243-3439 Introduction to Communication: Speech Communication


Speech Communication

MIAMI DADE COLLEGE, Kendall Campus Department of English and Communications

Speech Communication

SPC 1017 Speech Communication SPC1017-63-3439

Instructor:       David Volz

E-Mail             dvolz@mdc.edu

Office              6319-09

Phone              305 237 2284

Term                Spring 2024

Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 8:00 a.m. to 8:50 a.m. Building/Rm   2144

Office Hours: I will be available to meet with students from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Please come and talk with me about any concerns you may have about the class in room 6319-09.

Introduction to Communication This course provides students with the Speech Communication skills necessary for success in personal, professional, and educational settings. Students will learn through the study and experiential practice of interpersonal communication, presentational speaking and group dynamics of communication and be able to use them effectively.

Text book: Choices & Connections, An Introduction to Communication, Steven McCormick and Joseph Ortiz, Third Edition  ISBN # 978-1-319-20116-6 Bedford/St.Martin’s

Grading policies: The grading scale for this course is as follows:

Grade A 100…90 percent B 89….80 percent C 79….70 percent D 69…60 percent F.. below 59


Assignments: Student grades will be determined by adding all points earned from assignments and then dividing that sum by six. Each assignment is worth 100 points for the speech and outline combined.

Culture Presentation                                           1/6 of final grade

Social Presentation                                             1/6 of final grade

Organization Presentation                                  1/6 of final grade

Informative Speech                                             1/6 of final grade

Persuasive speech                                               1/6 of final grade

Final examination Essay                                     1/6 of final grade

Speech and presentation categories:

Note: Speech Communication and written speech outlines will always include the following:

  • The speech will include an introductory statement, a body and a conclusion statement.
  • The body of the speech should include three to five major points and three to five supporting points.
  • A minimum number of resources is noted.

Culture Presentation (4 – 6 minutes) You will research a culture and make a presentation on it. A culture can be defined as a group with a shared identity. A culture can be a school, a workplace, a team sport, a family, a city or a nation. Each student will submit an outline with an introduction, three to five major points, three to five supporting points and a conclusion. There should be a minimum of two sources. Due Jan 17

Social Issue Presentation (4 – 6 minutes) You will research a social issue such as global warming, student loan debt or bullying and make a presentation on it. Each student will submit an outline with an introduction, three to five major points, three to five supporting points and a conclusion. There should be a minimum of two sources. Due Feb 7

Organization Presentation (4 – 6 minutes) You will develop a presentation to promote a business or organization. You will discuss how this organization creates a brand or image using various Speech Communication techniques. How does this organization present itself to customers, employees, investors or supporters and the surrounding community? Each student will submit an outline with an introduction, three to five major points, three to five supporting points and a conclusion. There should be a minimum of two sources. Due Feb 28

Informative Speech (8-10 minutes) You will give a presentation to educate and inform the class on a topic of your choice. You would speak on a career opportunity, a place you have visited, a favorite sport or hobby, a skill, a life philosophy or something that you would like to share with the class. You will submit an outline with three to five major points, three to five supporting points and a conclusion. You must have a minimum of three references. Due Mar 20

Persuasive Speech (8-10 minutes) You will give a presentation to persuade members of the class on a given topic. You could encourage people to pursue a healthier lifestyle or more education. You could encourage student to pursue an interesting career. You will submit an outline with three to five major points, three to five supporting points and a conclusion. You must have a minimum of three references. Due Apr 3

Essay on a Major Speech (500 words) You will observe a speech or presentation from a well- known person such as a president, political leader or entertainment personality. You will write a 500-to-600-word essay on the Speech Communication techniques this speaker used to give an effective presentation. Due Apr 19

Note: Assignments and Dates may be changed at the professor’s discretion.

Attendance: Students are expected to be present for all class sessions and attendance will be taken at the beginning of every class session. Students will be allowed two absences. Any unexcused absence beyond the two allowed will result in a loss of two points per absence from the final grade.

Tardies: Students are to report to class on time. More than two tardies will result in a loss of two points per tardy from the final grade.

Deadlines and Commitments: Students are granted one late assignment. The assignment must be made up the following class period and the student must initiate the make-up arrangements. If the student does not make up the speech during the following class meeting, the student will have no further opportunity to do so.

Plagiarism Policy: Plagiarism is defined as presenting the ideas and words of someone else’s as your own. You commit plagiarism if you use any part of another person’s written words without correct documentation or any part of another person’s ideas without correction documentation. This is considered a violation of Miami Dade College academic policy. No assignment that requires research will be accepted without proper documentation of references. If I find that a student has plagiarized an assignment, I will give the student a zero. For the second offense, I will refer the student to the administration.[ Speech Communication ]

Learning Outcomes: Graduates of Miami-Dade College will be able to:

  1. Communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
  2. Use quantitative analytical skills to evaluate and process numerical data.
  3. Solve problems using critical and creative thinking and scientific reasoning.
  4. Formulate strategies to locate, evaluate and apply information.
  5. Demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultures, including global and historical perspectives.
  6. Create strategies that can used to fulfill personal, civic and social responsibilities.
  7. Demonstrate knowledge of ethical thinking and its application to issues in society.
  8. Use computer and emerging technologies effectively.
  9. Demonstrate an appreciation for aesthetics and creative activities.
  10. Describe how natural systems function and recognize the impact of humans on the environment.

This is a Gordon Rule course. Students must present written assignments that reflect college level writing. The speech outlines and final essay will count toward this requirement.

Additional resources: The Speech lab is probably the most valuable resource for this course. It is located in room 2207.

Learning Outcomes: Through the academic disciplines and co-curricular activities, General Education provides multiple, varied, and intentional learning experiences to facilitate the acquisition of fundamental knowledge and skills, and the development of attitudes that foster effective citizenship and life-long learning.

  1. Departmental Mission Statement: The mission of the English and Speech Communication Department of Miami Dade College – Kendall Campus is for each student to achieve proficiency in English in the following areas: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. We prepare our students to read at the college level, to express themselves coherently in written and oral presentations, and to analyze and understand presentations made by others.

Through a wide variety of courses in composition, creative writing, journalism, speech, and literature, the department seeks to encourage students to live an ethical and humane life, to explore human relationships, to think and act creatively, and to develop the critical analytical skills that foster effective communication in college, career, and life.

Course Competencies:

Competency 1: The student will recognize application of communication theories by:

  • differentiating among communication models.
  • identifying ethical issues in communication.
  • recognizing different types and functions of communication.
  • explaining the impact of perception on Speech Communication.
  • identifying characteristics of a competent communicator.

Competency 2: The student will demonstrate the ability to organize meaningful ideas for communication situations by:

  • incorporating supporting materials to develop ideas.
  • incorporating various traditional and electronic research methods.
  • asking and responding to questions in an interview situation.
  • facilitating the communication process to accomplish group goals in a meeting situation.

Competency 3: The student will demonstrate effective listening skills by:

  • differentiating between hearing and listening.
  • recognizing and correcting ineffective listening habits.
  • adapting listening techniques to purpose and situation.

Competency 4: The student will adapt language to various Speech Communication situations by:

  • analyzing the audience.
  • using strategies to achieve listener attention.
  • recognizing assertive language techniques.
  • distinguishing among conflict-resolution styles.
  • distinguishing between supportive and defensive language.
  • demonstrating the use of Standard English grammar.

Competency 5: The student will demonstrate effective auditory aspects of delivery by:

  • using vocal variety.
  • using understandable pronunciation.
  • using clear enunciation.

Competency 6: The student will demonstrate effective visual aspects of delivery by:

  • dressing appropriately for target audiences and speaking occasions.
  • utilizing appropriate gestures and body movements for target audiences and speaking occasions.
  • using appropriate facial expressions for target audiences and speaking occasions.
  • using appropriate eye contact for target audiences and Speech Communication occasions.
  • preparing and using traditional and computer-assisted presentational aids for target audiences and speaking occasions.

Competency 7: The student will create and present sound arguments by:

  • preparing compliance-gaining messages.
  • evaluating arguments.
  • developing problem-solving techniques.

Competency 8: The student will manage his/her Speech Communication behaviors by:

  • controlling physical adapters to convey communication confidence.
  • recognizing and avoiding defeating thoughts and behaviors.
  • distinguishing among communication patterns in relationship stages.
  • identifying ways to improve relationship dynamics.
  • recognizing communication that enhances or impedes the development of assertive behaviors.
  • interpreting relational messages.
  • communicating emotions effectively.

Grading Policies: In order to pass the class, you must earn your grade by completing assignments in a way that demonstrates your college-level speaking, writing, and thinking skills. For successful completion of SPC1017, you must score enough points on each assignment to achieve a 70% in the course.

Communication: You will be expected to check your e-mail often. E-mail is how the professor will communicate with you. It is important that you check your e-mail before each class as assignments or location of the class may have changed. When emailing the professor, remember to always use your MDC e-mail, sign your name at the bottom, AND put the time of your class.

You may also contact the professor by visiting the office during posted office hours. You are highly encouraged to visit with your professor at least once in the semester for “chat time.” Once you have sent an e-mail or left a message the professor will get back to you within 24 hours.

Attendance Policy: Attendance at each class session is required for the successful completion of this course. Students are expected to attend and participate in each class meeting; therefore, mere attendance is not a criterion for awarding a grade. Students who have not attended class or completed the first assignment will be purged on the appropriate class roll. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are properly registered or withdrawn from this course (via the registrar) and that you have read and understand all the first day handouts. [ Speech Communication ]

Students are allowed two absences without a point deduction. AFTER THE SECOND ABSENCE, LATE ARRIVAL, OR EARLY DEPARTURE, POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED and the student will forfeit the right to make-up missed work. After an absence, students are responsible for obtaining class notes, information, and/or instructions from classmates/instructor. For this reason, please get the name and phone number of at least two classmates so that you may get the notes and assignments you missed.

You are also required to email the professor within 24 hours of your absence with details of the absence. If you know in advance that you will be absent, ask for the assignments prior to that date, and complete homework ahead of time so that it can be checked. It is not the instructor’s responsibility to bring missed handouts to class following your absence. You should have a classmate that will collect handouts for you on the day you are absent. Students with an excused absence are allowed to make up Speech Communication.



An excused absence means that you presented the instructor with proper documentation concerning your absence and you may make up missed tests within one week of your absence. An unexcused absence means that you have no documentation concerning your absence and you forfeit the right to make up missed tests.

You must obtain prior approval from the professor by phone, email, or in person should the need to leave early arise. It is understandable that emergencies occur from time to time, in such cases contact the professor as soon as possible. Speech Communication by phone or email are the best methods.

Tardiness: Being late to class is unacceptable. While I would rather you be late than not in class, please keep your tardiness to a minimum. I understand flat tires, missed busses, and getting up late on occasion. Tardiness will count as ½ of an absence for that particular class meeting. If you are more than 10 minutes late, it will count as an absence. Students who are absent or tardy are still responsible for the completion of all work assigned. If you are late and work has already been checked, you receive a zero for that assignment. If you are tardy the day of a test, you will not receive extra time to finish your test.

Class Participation: Each student is expected to be actively engaged in class discussions, be prepared to ask and answer questions, and keep up with all assignments. From time to time you will be asked to work and participate in group activities and assignments. A positive spirit of respectful and cooperative learning is stressed. It is never acceptable to laugh at, criticize, or make fun of another student.

Assignment Policy: A weekly assignment sheet will be given for you to follow. This will have a schedule of when all assignments are due, tests dates, and lab due dates. Do not make appointments when assignments are scheduled.[ Speech Communication ]

All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the date noted on the syllabus. Assigned readings and exercises must be completed on time which means before arriving to class. Incomplete work will result in a grade of zero for the assignment. Late work is unacceptable and may only be turned in at the discretion of the professor. Proper documentation may also be requested.

If you are absent, you will lose classwork/homework points for that day. Assignments must reflect the student’s own thought and effort. Simply writing an answer in the book is not completing an assignment. Students are also not allowed to copy each others’ homework papers. Plagiarism will result in an F grade for the assignment. All reading and vocabulary assignments must be completed in the textbooks.

NO make-ups for any assignment or test will be given the last week of classes.

Academic Honesty: Students are expected to do their own work and maintain academic honesty. Plagiarism and cheating is not acceptable and will result in a zero on that particular exam or assignment.

This includes copying another student’s homework and/or lab work. A second offense will result in a failing grade for the course. Please refer to the Students’ Rights and Responsibilities Handbook, available from the Student Life Office, for a more detailed explanation of this college policy. http://www.mdc.edu/policy/student_rights_and_responsibilities.pdf

Classroom Environment/Behavior: Everyone’s cooperation in Speech Communication is necessary in order to create an atmosphere that encourages learning and is free from distractions. Disruptive behavior such as excessive or loud talking, laughing at another student, and/or discrimination of ANY kind is unacceptable. Do not converse or pass notes with classmates during instruction so that you can be attentive and gain the most from this course. No faculty member will tolerate classroom behavior that interrupts learning and will ask students that are disruptive to leave the class for the day.

The student MUST then meet with the professor during office hours prior to returning to class. Improper behavior will be grounds for dismissal from class and/or failure of the course. If warranted, security personnel will remove students engaging in such behavior from class. If a student continues to carry out this behavior he or she will be referred to the Dean of Student Services for further intervention. Refer to the Code of Conduct in your Student’s Rights and Responsibilities Handbook under the heading of Disruption (Florida Statute 877.13). Any challenging of grades, discussions about absences, tardiness, make-up tests, or personal issues will be discussed in private during office hours.

Visitors: Visitors are NOT allowed at any time for any reason; it’s a College Liability issue of individual

and personal safety. This includes children, parents, girlfriends/boyfriends, friends, and relatives.

Electronic Devices: Please do not bring any electronic devices to class that will interrupt the class. You are also not permitted to use blue tooth devices during class. Students are expected to turn OFF cell phones during class time. Text messaging/surfing the internet during class is not allowed at any time, for any reason, under any circumstance.

Please do not leave the room during class to answer a call. If you leave the room to answer a call, you may not be permitted back in the room. Cell phones may NOT be kept on your desk during class time. If your cell phone is on your desk, I will ask you to put it on my desk until class is over.[ Speech Communication]

Services for Students with Disabilities: If you have a disability that may require classroom or test accommodations, please see me as soon as possible to schedule an appointment. Accommodations are provided on an individualized basis after your specific needs and circumstances have been evaluated. If you have not already done so, please register with ACCESS Disability Services, Bldg. 2, Room 2121, 305- 237-2767, which is the department responsible for coordinating accommodations and services for students with disabilities. Access students have the opportunity to take exams in the testing department by making an appointment. Please contact the instructor or Access Services.

A Special Note: I care about your learning and my utmost goal is to help you pass this course. Therefore, complete all assignments (homework and class work) on time and attend class. If you need my help, please e-mail me, call for an appointment, or see me after class so that we can schedule a time to meet. Let’s make this a great semester.

Changes: The schedule for this class is subject to change due to extenuating circumstances. Please keep informed. [ Speech Communication ]

By signing the attendance sheet for this day, I am agreeing to the above rules and requirements for this course. DO NOT WRITE BELOW UNTIL INSTRUCTED TO DO SO

Please get the name, e-mail, and phone number of at least two classmates.

  1. Name:                                                                                  /Email Address:                                @mymdc.net

Telephone #’s: Hm.                                                      



  • Name:                                                                                  /Email Address:                                @mymdc.net

Telephone #’s: Hm.                                                     



  • Name:                                                                                  /Email Address:                                 @mymdc.net

Telephone #’s: Hm.                                                     



In case of an emergency on campus, call security: 305-237-2100


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