[ANSWER]Solution-Focused Brief Therapy in Practice: A Critical Reflection
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
An important step in the relationship between a counsellor and the client is building rapport with the client. A good counsellor-client rapport determines how successful the therapy will be as it provides a safe space where the client feels at ease when opening up to the counsellor (Goldstein & Glueck, 2015). One way I am able to know that my counselling session with Steve was successful is the strong rapport I created with him [ Solution-Focused Brief Therapy]. By employing effective interviewing skills, such as courtesy, respectfulness, effective listening, empathy, asking open-ended questions, and avoiding non-judgmental questions, I was able to maintain his calmness and concentration throughout the session.
He answered all the questions I asked him without hesitance and in a candid manner. Building a good rapport with the client was helpful in achieving the objective of the session. In SFBT, the counsellor and the client collaboratively aim to achieve a certain goal, Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, that the client has set for themselves or is seeking to accomplish (Corey, 2017). As the name of the approach suggests, the focus is to find a solution to help the client address the challenges they are facing.
Steve is struggling with moodiness, negative thoughts, loss of interest in pleasurable activities, boredom at work, intimate relationship difficulties, and problematic alcohol consumption. As he narrated to me during the session, his main goals are to change his career, reinvigorate his workout life, reduce his alcohol intake, and to bolster his relationships with his family and friends. By the end of the session, Steve was demonstrating willingness to work on these goals, which is a sign of the success of the session [ Solution-Focused Brief Therapy]. In helping the client achieve the goal they…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2786 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 2786
Grade/Mark: 95 (Distinction)