[ANSWER]Sociology 1125: Social Processes

TASK DESCRIPTION On Sociology 1125: Social Processes
A written essay/narrative assignment will constitute 25% of the course grade (expectations, due date, and more detailed instructions will be provided in a separate handout). Please note the written assignment’s due date for your section: Sections 003 & 005, Thur., Oct. 29th; Sections 012 & 013, Fri., Oct. 30th.
Late essay/narrative assignments will be penalized 15% per day late (including weekends).
The narrative assignment should address the following research question by employing sociological theories, concepts, and research evidence (demonstrating the student’s ability to apply the sociological imagination to this topic):
“What are the social consequences of physical and verbal abuse and social neglect for children/youths’ ‘life chances’, ‘socialization’, and ‘development of the self’ (via Cooley’s ‘looking glass self’ theory/concept)? [Sociology 1125: Social Processes]
This essay requires a clear, explicit statement of purpose in the introductory part of the essay narrative. This will require that the student: 1) state the overall research question (as above); and 2) explain the relevance of the sociological concepts of ‘life chances’, ‘socialization’ and Cooley’s ‘looking glass self’ (the latter being a subset of ‘socialization’ facilitating the ‘development of self’) to the overall research question of how these particular domains are affected by social abuse and neglect among children/youth exposed to them.
The statement of essay purpose must be clear and specific and should weave together the overall essay purpose (examining the social consequences of abuse/neglect in children/youth) and the social domains where abuse/neglect may register demonstrable impacts. The essay’s statement of purpose should synthesize (or ‘bring together’) the overall purpose of the essay narrative (i.e., examining/analyzing ‘the social consequences of physical and verbal abuse and social neglect’ among children/youth exposed to such treatment) and explain the relevance of ‘life chances’, ‘socialization’ and Cooley’s ‘looking glass self’ (concept/theory) as useful ideas, concepts or social domains to employ in addressing the research question.[Sociology 1125: Social Processes]
In other words, expand on, elaborate, or otherwise explicate what these terms mean as conceptual instruments in the toolkit of sociological discourse. Students should also give an account of or otherwise explain how a focus on them can help us to establish evidence-based understandings concerning how abuse and neglect affect the course of socialization, chances for success in life (i.e., life chances), and social development of the self.
All claims made regarding the social consequences of abuse/neglect should be based on research-based evidence. Avoid common-sense speculation lacking in evidential support. All claims made regarding the social consequences of abuse/neglect must be supported with evidence from social research (cited using APA formatting guidelines).
The essay narrative should contain the following elements in addressing these two foci: the essay narrative should have three recognizable features — a beginning, middle, and ending (i.e., an introduction where the objective of the essay is clearly and explicitly stated (please note that a brief descriptive phrase or title does not constitute an adequate or acceptable statement of essay purpose); and the main body of the essay where evidence is advanced in support of the student’s claims, proposals, and arguments concerning the social consequences of abuse/neglect, and a conclusion that draws the essay to a close by summarizing a body of ‘findings’ the student has unearthed in relation to the central research question.
The essay assignment should be written in clear, grammatical prose, based on logical argumentation and the advancement of relevant social research evidence that focuses on the areas identified above (i.e., ‘life chances’, the ‘development of self’, and ‘socialization’).
Bear in mind that ‘abuse’ and ‘neglect’ refer to different patterns of interaction-based ‘mistreatment’ of the child/youth by adults (typically parents/guardians), within a family social context. In the case of ‘abuse’ (verbal and physical) the child/youth is subject to discernable mistreatment (the infliction of pain and distress), whereas various forms and degrees of social ‘neglect’ suggest lost opportunities for learning (about self and group) resulting in limits on the development of ‘social capital’ (improving the ability of the individual to easily navigate the social and cultural contexts of modern life), hindering the individual’s ability to socially adapt and adjust in order to achieve recognizable social success, etc.
Whereas ‘abuse’ imposes psychological pain and distress on the victimized child/youth experiencing it, ‘neglect’ reflects patterned relationships reflecting an absence of effective parental guidance and inappropriate and/or dysfunctional parental role models. What does the research literature have to say about the social consequences of these two problematic kinds of interpersonal treatment?
Students should avoid adopting a ‘psychological’ focus (where the focus of analytical interest is the individual). The focus should be sociological, which means focusing on how groups and group life (forms of ‘collective organization’) affect the individual (where the focus of analysis is to address how ‘collective organization and action’ affect individual-level consequences.[Sociology 1125]
Students’ written assignments will be evaluated in terms of their demonstrated ability to apply the sociological imagination and an ability to apply critical thinking in using the research-based evidence (from scholarly sources) to make their case in answering the assignment question.
Students submitting essays that focus on psychological variables or essays submitted that are not clearly sociological are not acceptable and will not receive a passing mark for their written assignment. If you have any questions as to whether this topic and your approach to developing it are properly ‘sociological’ in character, then consult with the instructor before you proceed with your research and writing efforts.
The length of this paper is 1500-2000 words (6-8 pages) of ‘body text’ in standard university/college format: typewritten, 1” margins (top/bottom; left/right), 12 point type font, double-spacing, and separate pages for bibliography, appendices, and title page. The title page must contain the following information: essay title, course identification (including course name/number/section number), instructor’s name, student’s name, and date of submission. Failure to comply with these essay guidelines will result in a 2% deduction for each essay guideline violation. [Sociology 1125]
Students must use the APA style guide for the term essay written for this course (for more information on style guides, see the Douglas College Library webpage – click on Library at the bottom of the main webpage under Quicklinks to access Citation and Style Guides including the APA Style Guide.
[ANSWER PREVIEW][Sociology 1125: Social Processes]
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