[ANSWER]PUBH6000 Assessment 1 ‐ Social Determinants of Health: Chronic Kidney Disease Among the Aged Group in Australia
Social Determinants of Health
CKD among the elderly is associated with a significant disease burden. A key aspect of this burden relates to disease prevalence. The proportion of the elderly population affected by CKD increases with age. In particular, at the age of 65-74, the percentage with CKD is about 21%, which is nearly three times higher compared to the age group of 55-64 (AIHW, 2018). CKD is also associated with a higher rate of hospitalization. The AIHW (2020) reports that CKD represents 16% of all hospitalizations in the country, with dialysis accounting for the largest share of this percentage. The report further indicates that between 2017 and 2018, there were 51,300 hospitalisations with CKD as the principal diagnosis.
During the same period, there were 315,700 hospitalisations with CKD as an extra diagnosis. In these hospitalisation events, the elderly, specifically those above 65 years, accounted for 70%. The hospitalization rates for individuals above 85 years were 19,100 per 100,000 population and 11,000 per 100,000 population for men and women, respectively (AIHW, 2020). Social Determinants of Health
This translates to 1.6 times higher than those in the 75-84 age group. Another aspect of disease burden associated with CKD is mortality. A kidney-related disease kills more Australians a year than even road accidents, breast cancer, and prostate cancer (Australian Bureau…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2107 WORDS]
Social Determinants of Health
Type: Essay
Word Count: 2107
Grade/Mark: 89 (Distinction)