[ANSWER]PSY 037 Paper 3: Schizophrenia


[ANSWER PREVIEW OF Schizophrenia]

To put it simply, schizophrenic individuals have a psychosis that lead to a loss of touch with reality. The major symptoms of the condition include hallucinations, delusions, abnormal behavior, incoherent speech, and emotional disturbances (Patel et al., 2014). Hallucinations manifest in feeling, seeing, or hearing non-existent things (Picchioni & Murray, 2007). Delusions are strongly held false beliefs that do not conform to the broader belief system from which the individual comes (Aquino, 2009). For instance, one may strongly believe they have superpowers. In terms of abnormal behavior, schizophrenic may laugh to themselves, mumble, or roam without direction (Aleman, 2014). They may also neglect their physical appearance, resulting in unkemptness.

Incoherent speech is verbal output that is not organized or logical, while emotional disturbances manifest in unusual apathy and inconsistency between reported emotional expressions and visible body language such as facial expressions (Aquino, 2009). Other symptoms associated with schizophrenia include wanting to be alone, diminished in interest in things one used to like, concentration and…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1647 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 1647

Grade/Mark: 88 (Distinction)

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