[ANSWER]Addiction: Risk Factors for Addiction
Topic: Risk Factors for Addiction
Theorists suggest there are biological, social, psychologic and cultural factors that can contribute to addiction. Briefly discuss the specific factors that may contribute to drug addiction and support your reasons why. Do any of these same factors offer protection from addiction? Which ones and how might they offer protection?Please answer the question completely. Incorporate the text and/or other outside sources to support your answer. Make sure all references follow APA format.
[ANSWER PREVIEW ; Risk Factors for Addiction]
However, some of these factors can also offer protection from addiction. Since the genetic factors influence the feeling people get when they take drugs, suppose the feeling is negative and undesirable, a person may develop hatred for the particular substance, avoid…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 415 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 415
Grade/Mark: 90 (Distinction)