[ANSWER]NUR1202 Professional Identity Assessment RESIDENTIAL CARE: Therapeutic Person-Centred Care


[ANSWER PREVIEW ON Professional Identity Assessment RESIDENTIAL CARE]

RESIDENTIAL CARE: Katie is not meeting any NMBA standards with regards to person-centred and evidence-based care. The sixth and seventh standards mandate RNs to provide safe and appropriate care as well as evaluate outcomes as a basis for their practice (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia [NMBA], 2016). At the end of Katie’s shifts, her residents’ bed sheets are unchanged and the urine bottles have not been emptied.

These combine to create an unsafe environment for the already ill-protected older residents. Among other things, wet bed sheets could cause sleep deprivation and, consequently, results in serious health issues for the residents. Evidence shows that poor quality or lack of sleep can occasion a wide range of illnesses and conditions in older people including hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, depression and confusion, risk of dementia, injury and disability, chronic pain, and increased mortality, among several others (Stone & Xiao, 2018). [RESIDENTIAL CARE]

If the age of the residents under Katie’s care is 65 years and above, by Australian standards (AIHW, 2019), then she is greatly endangering their lives and wellbeing. Unemptied urine bottles could equally…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1786 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 1786

Grade/Mark: 94 (Distinction)
