[ANSWER]Radiography: The Roles That Radiographers Play in Ensuring that Radiation Doses Are Minimised in Diagnostic Imaging


Radiographers Play in Ensuring

Radiographers Play in Ensuring

Adopting or continuing with any procedure is preceded by a rigorous examination and analysis of the merits and demerits of the action (Martin 2012). The same case applies to the use of X-rays in medicine where such an evaluation is pivotal in establishing a justification for a particular procedure.

The first step in radiation protection, justification, refers to the examination of the need for radiography. In most cases, such a process is considered justified if the benefits outweigh the apparent risks. George et al. (2014) note that all the assessments that precede the justification must be made on the premises of common sense and experience as well as professional judgment. In the recent years, however, the need for Radiographers Play in Ensuring justification has been controversial. Radiographers Play in Ensuring

Most of the practitioners argue that the technological advancement in radiology and radiography does away with the lengthy evaluations required before the justification. Besides, some of the regulations tied to the justification hinder a timely diagnosis that would save the life of the patient. Even then, Meggit (2010) posits that radiographers have a critical role in ensuring that the justification is promptly carried out in line with all the ethical stipulations.

The radiographer has to work in tandem with the radiologist to ensure a successful justification process happens before embarking on a diagnosis. Some instances, however, necessitate the individual participation Radiographers Play in Ensuring of the radiographer in the process. In the case of an accident…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2344 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 2344

Grade/Mark: 89 (Distinction)
