[ANSWER]PYB 208 Assessment Task 1
PYB 208 Assessment Task 1

Another essential skill that comes out clearly in the counselling interview is minimal responses. Throughout the interview, the counsellor allows the client to do much of the talking. This is well demonstrated in the early stage of the interview. The counsellor asks the client to talk to her about his music career and the challenges he is facing (2:13). PYB 208 Assessment Task 1
The counsellor then allows the client more than 2 minutes to narrate the difficulties he is experiencing as a result of occupational pressure. In between this duration, the counsellor mostly responds with encouraging words like “uh-huh” and “okay”. Simply put, the counsellor keeps her responses to the minimum. This impacts the interview process in two key ways. PYB 208 Assessment Task 1
First, the counsellor demonstrates the understanding that the client is the expert on his own life. She allows him to be the centre of the conversation as it should be. Additionally, by ensuring minimal responses, the counsellor gives…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1542 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1542
Grade/Mark: 85 (Distinction)