[ANSWER]NURS6035: Therapeutic Engagement and Psychosocial Interventions Online Trimester 2 – 2023

Psychosocial Interventions


Course Description

This course is designed to support the further development of the student’s ability and skills to engage therapeutically. The course provides an overview of psychosocial interventions and the history of the development and use of talking therapies. Students will gain a working knowledge of a broad range of psychosocial and psycho-educational interventions, including the emerging area of e-therapy. The course will assist students to ensure consumers receive the most appropriate therapeutic options and encourage the development of further knowledge and skills in an intervention of their own choosing. Students will be encouraged to consider the challenges arising when working in multicultural and Indigenous Australian settings


This course is only available to students active in the following programs:

This course is only available to students active in the following programs:

Master of Health Science [11687,

Master of Mental Health Nursing [12197],

Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing [40023],

Master of Studies [40031],

Master of Midwifery Studies [40143],

Master of Nursing [40156] and

Master of Custodial Health [40301].

Assumed Knowledge

Foundations of health professional knowledge, legal and ethical issues, fundamentals of research, human bioscience, psychology, sociology related to practice. Principles of investigative approaches in health care, concepts and theories relevant to practice, contemporary health care issues. Academic reading and writing skills, ability to access and evaluate information from a variety of sources, skills in critical analysis, critical judgment, synthesis and evaluation. Ability to conceptualise practice.

Contact Hours: Online, Online Activity, Online 2 hour(s) per Week for Full Term,

Self-Directed Learning

Self-Directed 8 hour(s) per Week for Full Term

Unit Weighting                 10

Workload                            Students are required to spend on average 120-140 hours of effort (contact and non-contact) including assessments per 10 unit course.


Course Content

  • Therapeutic engagement
  • Historical perspectives, neurophysiology of psychotherapy
  • Psychosocial interventions, including psychodynamic, CBT, motivational interviewing, psycho-education, family interventions, group therapy, mindfulness-based therapies, e- therapy and integrative approaches
  • Psychosocial interventions in a multicultural setting
  • Personal values and ethical practice

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Describe the impact of growing understandings of neurophysiology of psychotherapy and the role of therapeutic engagement in enhancing the effectiveness of psychosocial interventions
  2. Analyse and critique the theoretical foundations, techniques and value of a range of psychosocial interventions, including individual, group based and e-therapies
  3. Critique the application of western-developed interventions with reference to cultural safety in Indigenous Australian and multicultural settings
  4. Utilise reflective practice principles to identify personal values, ethical issues and practice issues arising in mental health clinical practice and to discuss the changes you have made to your practice as an outcome of completing this course.
  5. Appraise a range of therapeutic options for a particular client and critique the research evidence supporting your recommendations for the choice of intervention
  6. Demonstrate a sound knowledge of one psychotherapeutic intervention of your own choosing and identify your proposal to increase your skills in delivering this intervention.

Course Materials

Required Text:

Walker, S. (2015). Psychosocial Interventions in Mental Health Nursing. Sage.

Students can access readings through Canvas

COMPULSORY REQUIREMENTS: Psychosocial Interventions

In order to pass this course, each student must complete ALL of the following compulsory requirements

Course Assessment Requirements

Assessment 1: Written Assignment 1 – Attempt / Submission Requirement – Students must attempt/submit this assessment item to pass the course.

Assessment 2: Quiz 1 – Attempt / Submission Requirement – Students must attempt/submit this assessment item to pass the course.

Assessment 3: Written Assignment 2 – Attempt / Submission Requirement – Students must attempt/submit this assessment item to pass the course.

Assessment 4: Quiz 2 – Attempt / Submission Requirement: – Students must attempt/submit this assessment item to pass the course.


WeekWeek BeginsTopicAssessment Due
18 MayDeveloping an alliance through therapeutic engagement 
215 MayTherapeutic Presence and The Therapeutic Relationship 
322 MayHistorical Perspectives 
429 MayNeurobiological Considerations 
55 JunPsychosocial InterventionsAssessment 1: Written Assignment 1 (Psychosocial Intervention Theory) Due Friday 9th June 2023 by 23:00 hrs AEST
612 JunMindfulness and Mindfulness based therapiesAssessment 2: Online Quiz 1 (opens 12th June Due date/closes: Monday 19th June 2023 by 23:00 hrs AEST
719 JunCognitive and behavioural therapies 
826 JunE-Therapies, Psychodynamic Therapy and Motivational Interviewing 
93 JulMental Health Nurses as TherapistsAssessment 3: Written Assignment 2 (Psychosocial Intervention Practice) Due Friday 7th July by 23:00 hrs AEST
1010 JulPersonal Values and Ethical Practice 
1117 JulSustaining the capacity to engageAssessment 4: Online quiz 2 (opens 17th July) Due date/closes: Monday 24th July 2023 by 23:00 hrs AEST
1224 JulCourse Conclusion 
Examination Period


This course has 4 compulsory assessments. Each assessment is described in more detail in the sections below.

 Assessment NameDue DateInvolvementWeightingLearning Outcomes
1A1 – Written Assignment 1*Friday 9th June 2023 by 23:00 hrs AEST (week 5)Individual30%1, 2, 3, 4
2A2 – Quiz 1*Opens Monday 12th June 2023 Due date/closes: Monday 19th June 2023 at 23:00 hrs AEST (week 6)Individual15%2, 4, 5, 6
3A3 – Written Assignment 2*Friday 7th July 2023 by 23:00 hrs AEST (week 9)Individual40%3, 4, 5, 6
4A4 – Quiz 2*Opens Monday 17th July 2023 Due date/closes: Monday 24th July 2023 at 23:00 hrs AEST (week 12)Individual15%2, 4, 5, 6
* This assessment is a compulsory requirement.

Late Submissions      The mark for an assessment item submitted after the designated time on the due date, without an approved extension of time, will be reduced by 10% of the possible maximum mark for that assessment item for each day or part day that the assessment item is late. Note: this applies equally to week and weekend days.(Psychosocial Interventions)

Assessment 1 – Written Assignment 1: Psychosocial Intervention (Theory)

Assessment Type          Written Assignment

Purpose                         To develop a discussion essay examining and critiquing a talking based psychosocial intervention

Description                    This assignment requires you to develop a discussion essay examining and critiquing a talking based psychosocial intervention of your choice.

Introduction: Provide an overview of the chosen talking based psychosocial intervention that includes its main application

Discussion (to include):

  • Provide a detailed synopsis of the intervention including its history, development and current evidence base.
  • Critique and analysis the chosen intervention using the relevant contemporary high-quality literature.
  • Consider the intervention from a nursing perspective and include contemporary high- quality literature that discusses its use by nurses specifically.

Conclusion: Summarise the key points of the critical analysis

References: using APA 7th

Weighting                                    30%

Compulsory Requirements:      Attempt / Submission Requirement – Students must attempt/submit this assessment item to pass the course

Length                                         1400 words

Due Date                                    Friday 9th June 2023 by 23:00 hrs Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)

Submission Method                  Online. Canvas

Assessment Criteria                   Appendix A

Return Method                           Online. Canvas

Feedback Provided                     Online. Feedback can be expected within three weeks following the due date of the assessment item

Opportunity to Reattempt          Students will not be given the opportunity to reattempt this assessment

Assessment 2 – Online Quiz 1 (15 Multiple Choice Questions

Assessment Type: Quiz


This quiz will comprise of 15 randomly generated multiple choice questions drawn from a question bank based on weeks 1 to 5 of tuition. Each correct answer will attract one full mark. Students will have only one attempt to complete the quiz. Once the quiz is opened it must be completed within 30 minutes. Backtracking will not be allowed, and the quiz will close automatically once 30 minutes has elapsed

Weighting                              15%

Compulsory Requirements Attempt / Submission Requirement – Students must attempt/submit this assessment item to pass the course

Length                                    N/A

Due Date                                Closes Monday 19th June at 23:00 Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)

Submission Method             Online. Canvas

Assessment Criteria             N/A

Return Method                      N/A

Feedback Provided              N/A

Opportunity to Reattempt    Students will not be given the opportunity to re-attempt this assessment

Assessment 3 – Written Assignment: Psychosocial Intervention (Practice)

Assessment Type: Written Assignment


This discussion essay requires you to examine and critique how you utilised or intended to use the chosen therapeutic intervention. Use a pseudonym to identify your consumer.

The discussion essay must include the following:

Brief synopsis of the consumer you are working with and a rationale for utilising this intervention with this consumer.

Description of the process of engagement and how you established and maintained the therapeutic relationship.

Discussion on your practice in terms of how you planned and implemented the strategies within the chosen intervention, as well as the outcomes in terms of effectiveness, impact on recovery, any challenges, ethical considerations and the consumers perspective. Critically analyse your intervention using relevant contemporary high-quality literature. Discuss how you developed your skills in using this intervention; how your practice will change as a result of this experience; and how you plan to develop these skills further.

Weighting                              40%

Compulsory Requirements Attempt / Submission Requirement – Students must attempt/submit this assessment item to pass the course

Length                                    1800 words

Due Date                                Friday 7th July 2023 by 23:00 hrs Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)

Submission Method             Online. Canvas

Assessment Criteria             Appendix B

Return Method                      N/A

Feedback Provided              Online. Canvas

Opportunity to Reattempt    Students WILL NOT be given the opportunity to reattempt this assessment

Assessment 4 – Online quiz 2 (15 Multiple Choice Questions)

Assessment Type                 Quiz

Description:   This quiz will comprise of 15 randomly generated multiple choice questions drawn from a question bank based on week’s 6-11 of tuition. Each correct answer will attract one full mark. Students will have only one attempt to complete the quiz. Once the quiz is opened it must be completed within 30 minutes. Backtracking will not be allowed, and the quiz will close automatically once 30 minutes has elapsed

Weighting                              15%

Compulsory Requirements Attempt / Submission Requirement – Students must attempt/submit this assessment item to pass the course

Due Date                                Closes Monday 24th 2023 at 23:00 hrs Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)

Submission Method             Online. CANVAS

Assessment Criteria             N/A

Return Method                      N/A

Feedback Provided              N/A

Opportunity to Reattempt    Students WILL NOT be given the opportunity to reattempt this assessment


Grading Scheme

This course is graded as follows:

Range of MarksGradeDescription
85-100High Distinction (HD)Outstanding standard indicating comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the relevant materials; demonstration of an outstanding level of academic achievement; mastery of skills*; and achievement of all assessment objectives.
75-84Distinction (D)Excellent standard indicating a very high level of knowledge and understanding of the relevant materials; demonstration of a very high level of academic ability; sound development of skills*; and achievement of all assessment objectives.
65-74Credit (C)Good standard indicating a high level of knowledge and understanding of the relevant materials; demonstration of a high level of academic achievement; reasonable development of skills*; and achievement of all learning outcomes.
50-64Pass (P)Satisfactory standard indicating an adequate knowledge and understanding of the relevant materials; demonstration of an adequate level of academic achievement; satisfactory development of skills*; and achievement of all learning outcomes.
0-49Fail (FF)Failure to satisfactorily achieve learning outcomes. If all compulsory course components are not completed the mark will be zero. A fail grade may also be awarded following disciplinary action.
*Skills are those identified for the purposes of assessment task(s).

Communication Methods

Communication methods used in this course include:

  • Blackboard Course Site: Students will receive communications via the posting of content or announcements on the Blackboard course site.
  • Email: Students will receive communications via their student email account.

Course Evaluation:

Each year feedback is sought from students and other stakeholders about the courses offered in the University for the purposes of identifying areas of excellence and potential improvement.

Oral Interviews (Vivas)

As part of the evaluation process of any assessment item in this course an oral examination (viva) may be conducted. The purpose of the oral examination is to verify the authorship of the material submitted in response to the assessment task. The oral examination will be conducted in accordance with the principles set out in the Oral Examination (viva) Procedure. In cases where the oral examination reveals the assessment item may not be the student’s own work the case will be dealt with under the Student Conduct Rule.

Academic Misconduct

All students are required to meet the academic integrity standards of the University. These standards reinforce the importance of integrity and honesty in an academic environment. Academic Integrity policies apply to all students of the University in all modes of study and in all locations. For the Student Academic Integrity Policy, refer to https://policies.newcastle.edu.au/document/view-current.php?id=35.

Adverse Circumstances

The University acknowledges the right of students to seek consideration for the impact of allowable adverse circumstances that may affect their performance in assessment item(s). Applications for special consideration due to adverse circumstances will be made using the online Adverse Circumstances system where:

  1. the assessment item is a major assessment item; or
  2. the assessment item is a minor assessment item and the Course Co-ordinator has specified in the Course Outline that students may apply the online Adverse Circumstances system;
  3. you are requesting a change of placement; or
  4. the course has a compulsory attendance requirement

Before applying you must refer to the Adverse Circumstance Affecting Assessment Items Procedure available at:https://policies.newcastle.edu.au/document/view-current.php?id=236

Important Policy Information

The Help button in the Canvas Navigation menu contains helpful information for using the Learning Management System. Students should familiarise themselves with the policies and procedures at https://www.newcastle.edu.au/current-students/no-room-for/policies-and-procedures that support a safe and respectful environment at the University.

Appendix A: Assessment 1 – Written Assignment 1 – Marking Rubric
CriteriaHigh Distinction (100%-85%)Distinction (84%-75%)Credit (74%-65%)Pass (64%-50%)Fail (49%-0%)Mark
Criterion 1: (5 marks) An overview of the psychosocial intervention that provides a clear and succinct definition and description of the intervention and its application.Range: 5.0-4.3 marks Outstanding overview of the psychosocial intervention with definitions and applications clearly outlined.Range: 4.2-3.8 marks Excellent and detailed overview of the psychosocial intervention with definitions and applications outlined.Range: 3.7-3.3 marks Relevant and informed overview of the psychosocial intervention including definitions and applications.Range: 3.2-2.5 marks Satisfactory overview of the psychosocial intervention, definitions and applications.Range: 2.4-0.0 marks Inadequate overview of the psychosocial intervention Definitions and/or applications not provided. 0 marks if not attempted/5
Criterion 2: (10 marks)Range: 10.0-8.5 marksRange: 8.4-7.5 marksRange: 7.4-6.5 marksRange: 6.4-5.0 marksRange: 4.9-0.0 marks/10
Synopsis of the intervention including its history, development, applications and current evidence base including a critique and analyse of your intervention using the relevant literature.Outstanding and comprehensive synopsis of the intervention including its history, development, applications and current evidence base, and includes an extensive critique and analysis of the intervention using the relevant literature.Excellent and detailed synopsis of the intervention including its history, development, applications and current evidence base, and includes a critique and analysis of the intervention using the relevant literature.Relevant and appropriately informed synopsis of the intervention including its history, development, applications and current evidence base, and includes a critique and analysis of the intervention using the relevant literature.Satisfactory synopsis of the intervention including its history, development, applications and current evidence base, and includes a critique and analysis of the intervention using the relevant literature.Inadequate synopsis of the intervention and has not adequately addressed the history, development, applications or current evidence base. Critique and analysis of the intervention using the relevant literature is unsatisfactory. 
     0 marks if not attempted 
Criterion 3: (5 marks)Range: 5.0-4.3 marksRange: 4.2-3.8 marksRange: 3.7-3.3 marksRange: 3.2-2.5 marksRange: 2.4-0.0 marks/5
Consideration of the psychosocial intervention from a nursing perspective including literature that discusses its use by nurses specifically.Outstanding and comprehensive consideration of the psychosocial intervention from a nursing perspective including highly relevant literature that discusses its use by nurses specifically.Excellent and detailed consideration of the psychosocial intervention from a nursing perspective including literature that discusses its use by nurses specifically.Relevant and appropriately informed consideration of the psychosocial intervention from a nursing perspective including literature that discusses its use by nurses specifically.Satisfactory consideration of the psychosocial intervention from a nursing perspective including literature that discusses its use by nurses specifically.Inadequate consideration of the psychosocial intervention from a nursing perspective and doesn’t include literature that discusses its use by nurses specifically. 0 marks if not attempted 
Criterion 4: Expression and Academic Writing (5 marks) Writing is authentic and clearly expresses ideas and sound reasoning. Uses correct spelling and paragraph structure throughout. Structured as per requirements in Course outline.Range: 5.0-4.3 marks Exemplary writing with very high levels of authenticity and independent thought. Ideas and reasoning are clearly expressed. Introductory sentence used at the start of paragraphs. Main subject matter is developed within each paragraph. Concluding sentence used at the end of paragraphs. Exemplary spelling, grammar and syntax with no errors. Meets all style requirements.Range: 4.2-3.8 marks Evidence of superior academic writing skills. Authentic and original writing that clearly synthesises the key points of the assignment. Expression of ideas and reasoning is clear. Correct use of paragraphs. Discussion in each paragraph provides sufficient depth to demonstrate understanding. Superior spelling, grammar and syntax < 5 minor errors. Meets all style requirements.Range: 3.7-3.3 marks Evidence of sound academic writing. Authentic and original writing that clearly addresses the key points of the assignment. Expression of ideas and reasoning is satisfactory. Paragraphs are 5-7 sentences in length and sentences are clear and concise. Minor errors only in syntax, spelling and grammar. Meets all style requirements.Range: 3.2-2.5 marks Authentic writing that attempts to show independent thought. May struggle with expression of ideas and reasoning. Attempts to use paragraphs. Some sentences may be too long/short. Meets almost all style requirements including spacing, page numbers, font, headings.Range: 2.4-0.0 marks Lacks authenticity. Language hinders the effective flow of ideas and meaning. Sentences lack structure and are consistently too short or too long. Multiple errors in spelling, grammar and style. Not structured as per requirements in Course Outline./5
Criterion 5: Literature sources and referencing (5 marks) Wide range of contemporary and relevant sources are used in text and listed in reference list. Uses APA 7 style.Range: 5.0-4.3 marks Sources are appropriate, contemporary and from a range of journals and databases. Complies with all the referencing style requirements. There are no errors in referencing throughoutRange: 4.2-3.8 marks Sources are appropriate, contemporary and from a range of journals and databases. APA 7 referencing style is consistently accurate. Less than 5 minor referencing errors.Range: 3.7-3.3 marks Sources are appropriate, mostly contemporary and from a narrow range of journals and databases. Complies with referencing style requirements. Some referencing errors in in-text and/or referencing list (5-7).Range: 3.2-2.5 marks Sources are mostly relevant however there are too few to demonstrate wide reading. Attempts to use APA 7 style. Some errors in in-text and/or referencing list (8-10).Range: 2.4-0.0 marks Sources are inappropriate and/or absent. In-text referencing and/or reference list contains major errors (>10). 0 marks if sources are absent. Absent in-text referencing and/or reference list./5
Appendix B: Assessment 3 – Written Assignment 2 – Marking Rubric
  CriteriaHigh Distinction (100%-85%)  Distinction (84%-75%)  Credit (74%-65%)  Pass (64%-50%)  Fail (49%-0%)  Mark
Criterion 1: (5 marks)Range: 5.0-4.3 marksRange: 4.2-3.8 marksRange: 3.7-3.3 marksRange: 3.2-2.5 marksRange: 2.4-0.0 marks/5
A brief synopsis of the consumer you are working with and a rationale for utilising this intervention with this consumer.Outstanding, comprehensive but succinct synopsis of the consumer you are working with and a rationale for utilising this intervention with this consumer.Excellent and succinct synopsis of the consumer you are working with and a rationale for utilising this intervention with this consumer.Relevant and informed synopsis of the consumer you are working with and a rationale for utilising this intervention with this consumer.Satisfactory synopsis of the consumer you are working with and a rationale for utilising this intervention with this consumer.Inadequate synopsis of the consumer you are working with and a rationale for utilising this intervention with this consumer. 0 marks if not attempted. 
Criterion 2: (5 marks)Range: 5.0-4.3 marksRange: 4.2-3.8 marksRange: 3.7-3.3 marksRange: 3.2-2.5 marksRange: 2.4-0.0 marks/5
A description of the process of engagement and how the therapeutic relationship was established and maintained.Outstanding, comprehensive but succinct description of the process of engagement and how the therapeutic relationship was established and maintained.Excellent and succinct synopsis description of the process of engagement and how the therapeutic relationship was established and maintained.Relevant and informed description of the process of engagement and how the therapeutic relationship was established and maintained.Satisfactory description of the process of engagement and how the therapeutic relationship was established and maintained.Inadequate synopsis and description of the process of engagement and how the therapeutic relationship was established and maintained. 0 marks if not attempted. 
Criterion 3: (15 marks) Critique and analysis of how this therapeutic intervention was utilised or intended to be used against the relevant literature. Planning and implementation of the strategies within the chosen intervention and the outcomes in terms of effectiveness, impact on recovery, challenges, ethical considerations and the consumers perspective.Range: 15.0-12.8 marks Outstanding and insightful critique and analysis of how this therapeutic intervention was utilised or intended to be used against the relevant literature. Planning and implementation of the strategies within the chosen intervention and the outcomes in terms of effectiveness, impact on recovery, challenges, ethical considerations and the consumers perspective are outstanding.Range: 12.7-11.3 marks Excellent contextual critique and analysis of how this therapeutic intervention was utilised or intended to be used against the relevant literature. Planning and implementation of the strategies within the chosen intervention and the outcomes in terms of effectiveness, impact on recovery, challenges, ethical considerations and the consumers perspective are excellent.Range: 11.2-9.8 marks Relevant and appropriately informed critique and analysis of how this therapeutic intervention was utilised or intended to be used against the relevant literature. Planning and implementation of the strategies within the chosen intervention and the outcomes in terms of effectiveness, impact on recovery, challenges, ethical considerations and the consumers perspective are clearly provided.Range: 9.7-7.5 marks Satisfactory critique and analysis of how this therapeutic intervention was utilised or intended to be used against the relevant literature. Planning and implementation of the strategies within the chosen intervention and the outcomes in terms of effectiveness, impact on recovery, challenges, ethical considerations and the consumers perspective are provided.Range: 7.4-0.0 marks Inadequate critique and analysis of how this therapeutic intervention was utilised or intended to be used against the relevant literature. Planning and implementation of the strategies within the chosen intervention and the outcomes in terms of effectiveness, impact on recovery, challenges, ethical considerations and the consumers perspective are not satisfactory. 0 marks if not attempted./15
Criterion 4: (5 marks) Development of skills in using the psychosocial intervention and how practice will change as a result of this experience and a plan of how these skills will be developed further.Range: 5.0-4.3 marks Outstanding and insightful overview of skill development in using the psychosocial intervention, how practice will change and how skills will be developed further.Range: 4.2-3.8 marks Excellent contextual overview of skill development in using the psychosocial intervention, how practice will change and how skills will be developed further.Range: 3.7-3.3 marks Relevant and appropriately informed overview of skill development in using the psychosocial intervention, how practice will change and how skills will be developed further.Range: 3.2-2.5 marks Satisfactory overview of skill development in using the psychosocial intervention, how practice will change and how skills will be developed further.Range: 2.4-0.0 marks Inadequate overview of skill development in using the psychosocial intervention or how practice will change or how skills will be developed further. 0 marks if not attempted./5
Criterion 5: (5 marks) Writing is authentic and clearly expresses ideas and sound reasoning. Uses correct spelling and paragraph structure throughout. Structured as per requirements in Course outline.Range: 5.0-4.3 marks Exemplary writing with very high levels of authenticity and independent thought. Ideas and reasoning are clearly expressed. Introductory sentence used at the start of paragraphs. Main subject matter is developed within each paragraph. Concluding sentence used at the end of paragraphs. Exemplary spelling, grammar and syntax with no errors. Meets all style requirements.Range: 4.2-3.8 marks Evidence of superior academic writing skills. Authentic and original writing that clearly synthesises the key points of the assignment. Expression of ideas and reasoning is clear. Correct use of paragraphs. Discussion in each paragraph provides sufficient depth to demonstrate understanding. Superior spelling, grammar and syntax < 5 minor errors. Meets all style requirements.Range: 3.7-3.3 marks Evidence of sound academic writing. Authentic and original writing that clearly addresses the key points of the assignment. Expression of ideas and reasoning is satisfactory. Paragraphs are 5- 7 sentences in length and sentences are clear and concise. Minor errors only in syntax, spelling and grammar. Meets all style requirements.Range: 3.2-2.5 marks Authentic writing that attempts to show independent thought. May struggle with expression of ideas and reasoning. Attempts to use paragraphs. Some sentences may be too long/short. Meets almost all style requirements including spacing, page numbers, font, headings.Range: 2.4-0.0 marks Lacks authenticity. Language hinders the effective flow of ideas and meaning. Sentences lack structure and are consistently too short or too long. Multiple errors in spelling, grammar and style. Not structured as per requirements in Course Outline./5
Criterion 6: (5 marks) Wide range of contemporary and relevant sources are used in text and listed in reference list. Uses APA 7 style.Range: 5.0-4.3 marks Sources are appropriate, contemporary and from a range of journals and databases. Complies with all the referencing style requirements. There are no errors in referencing throughout.Range: 4.2-3.8 marks Sources are appropriate, contemporary and from a range of journals and databases. APA 7 referencing style is consistently accurate. Less than 5 minor referencing errors.Range: 3.7-3.3 marks Sources are appropriate, mostly contemporary and from a narrow range of journals and databases. Complies with referencing style requirements. Some referencing errors in in-text and/or referencing list (5-7).Range: 3.2-2.5 marks Sources are mostly relevant however there are too few to demonstrate wide reading. Attempts to use APA 7 style. Some errors in in-text and/or referencing list (8-10).Range: 2.4-0.0 marks Sources are inappropriate and/or absent. In-text referencing and/or reference list contains major errors (>10). 0 marks if sources are absent. Absent in-text referencing and/or reference list./5


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