[ANSWER]NUR3020 Transition Assessment 2 – Role of Nurses During a Pandemic: Psychological Wellbeing and Implications for Self-Care

Psychological Wellbeing


Understanding Psychological Wellbeing and Implications for Self-Care

As evident in the case study, nurses are playing a critical role in psychological wellbeing, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lakisha Mohan, a registered nurse at the intensive care unit of Markham Stouffville Hospital, persuasively explains this role. As frontline healthcare workers, nurses are involved in not only caring for patients, but also supporting the families of patients. With visitor restrictions in place in most hospitals, families are unable to be with their ill loved ones by the bedside as usual. Families also have worries about whether their ill loved ones will recover and when they will do so.

Lakisha elucidates that nurses have a critical role in supporting patients emotionally and giving them hope and assurance, pointing out that nurses are the only connection families have with their hospitalised loved ones during this pandemic. This role is extensively supported by literature on this topic (Corless et al., 2018; Fernandez et al., 2020). Lakisha narrates how nurses at the hospital in which she works are going an extra mile just to support patients’ families. For example, nurses videocall families using iPads to let them know how their loved ones are doing and to discuss any concerns they might be having…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1976 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 1976

Grade/Mark: 92 (Distinction)

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