[ANSWER]Being a Professional Nurse or Midwife Essay A3 – Professional Conduct in Nursing: A Case Study

Professional Conduct


Understanding Professional Conduct in Nursing

The actions of both RN McArthur and RN Youssef demonstrate unsatisfactory professional conduct as determined by the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (2021). Section 139B of NSW’s Health Practitioner Regulation National Law defines unsatisfactory professional conduct as a decision or an act by a health practitioner that is inconsistent with their professional qualifications and experience (NSW Government, 2020). Given the professional qualifications and experience of RN McArthur and RN Youssef, covering Patient A’s laryngeal stoma with an occlusive dressing is an action that they should not have taken, or even contemplated.

That they took an action that would clearly put the patient’s life at risk is an indication of deficient professional conduct. A closer consideration of the conduct of RN McArthur and RN Youssef in this case points to flawed clinical reasoning, a position that the Tribunal affirmed in its ruling. Clinical reasoning is the process through which nurses and other health professionals take into consideration a wide range of information to ensure sound clinical decisions, including the patient’s presenting condition and medical history, the patient’s current status, and other patient-related and clinical factors…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1840 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 1840

Grade/Mark: 89 (Distinction)

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