[ANSWER]Case Study Essay: Professional Communication Case Study
Professional Communication Case Study
To ensure therapeutic nurse-patient relationships and thereby promote patient safety, nurses must be competent in both verbal and non-verbal communication. Professional Communication in the practice settings occurs not only when a person verbalises it, but also in non-verbal ways such as facial gestures and body postures. Both forms of communication are integral to nursing practice.
Nurses can demonstrate effective verbal and non-verbal communication by, among other ways, communicating to the patient in a respectful manner, listening to the patient actively, avoiding jargon or complex terminologies, allowing the patient to ask question, and acknowledging the patient’s opinions (Levett-Jones, 2020). Chester has problems relating to psychological distress, alcohol consumption, smoking, diet, and physical activity. When talking to him about…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1169 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1169
Grade/Mark: 82 (Distinction)