[ANSWER]7032HSV Assignment 2 – Peer Assessment: Assessment 2 – Podcasts for Peer Review

Podcasts for Peer Review

[ANSWER PREVIEW] Both speakers identify a range of knowledge and skills that are relevant to current approaches in human services Podcasts for Peer Review

Both speakers identify a range of knowledge and skills that are relevant to current approaches in human services Podcasts for Peer Review, notably the humanistic perspective and person-centred practice. In podcast 13, the speaker mentions the following skills as critical to human service work, especially in the context of child protection: adaptability and flexibility, critical thinking, self-reflection, relationship building, ability to integrate theoretical knowledge into practice, and a strong sense of ethics Podcasts for Peer Review. In podcast 23, the speaker shares a similar sentiment…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 773 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 773

Grade/Mark: 87 (Distinction)