[ANSWER]GEB 5930 Information Resources and Industry Analysis: Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing
Pharmaceutical Preparation
Both the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system and the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) divide the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry into four distinct classifications consisting of Biological Product Manufacturing, In-vitro Diagnostic Substance Manufacturing, Medicinal and Botanical Manufacturing, and Manufacturing (United States Census Bureau, 2017; Occupational Safety and Health Administration [OSHA], n.d.).
The industry definitions provide information on how the specific pharmaceutical manufacturing classifications are differentiated. The Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing industry is assigned the code 325412 in the NAICS system and is defined as
A pharmaceutical preparation refers to a medicinal product that has been formulated for therapeutic use.
It involves the preparation of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) along with various excipients, which are inert substances used as carriers or vehicles for the active ingredients.
various forms Pharmaceutical Preparation such as tablets, capsules, solutions, suspensions, creams, ointments, and more. institutions primarily engaged in manufacturing in-vivo diagnostic substances and
pharmaceutical preparations (except biological) intended for internal and external consumption in dose forms (United States Census Bureau, 2017).
Similarly, the SIC code is found under Division D: Manufacturing, refers to a medicinal product that has been formulated for therapeutic use.
It involves the preparation of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) along with various excipients, which are inert substances used as carriers or vehicles for the active ingredients.
Pharmaceutical preparations come in various forms such as tablets, capsules ,in the sub-category Major Group 28: Chemicals and Allied Products.
The Pharmaceutical Preparation industry is assigned code 2834 and is defined as an industry primarily engaged in manufacturing, fabricating, or processing drugs in for human or veterinary use (Occupational Safety and Health Administration [OSHA], n.d.)…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1768 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1768
Grade/Mark: 88 (Distinction)