[ANSWER]Assessment 2 Essay – Australia’s Problematic Colonial Legacy: Implications for Indigenous People and Social Work Practice

People and Social Work

[ANSWER PREVIEW] Institutionalized racism persisted even after Australia officially got independence from the British in 1901 People and Social Work

Institutionalized racism persisted even after Australia officially got independence from the British in 1901 People and Social Work. Some of the starkest reminders of institutionalized racism in post-independent Australia are the deliberate exclusion of Indigenous Australians in the country’s constitution, the protectionist laws of the early 20th century (e.g., New South Wales’s Aborigines Protection Act 1909 and South Australia’s Aboriginal Protection Act 1911), and assimilation policies that led to what came to be known as ‘Stolen Generations’ (Bennett, 2019; Dudgeon et al., 2014).

Through Stolen Generations, at least 50,000 Indigenous children were forcefully separated from their families between the 1910s and 1970s in the name of assimilation (Bennett, 2019) People and Social Work.   A colonial legacy of institutionalised racism has impacted Indigenous Australians in almost every way imaginable. The widespread racism of the colonial era, which remains in existence in modern Australia, systematically deprived Indigenous Australians of political and socioeconomic opportunities.

This deprivation has been reflected in health and social outcomes for decades. Compared to the rest of Australia, Indigenous Australians are overrepresented in poor physical and mental health, poverty, alcohol and substance abuse, domestic violence, and the criminal justice system (Bennett, 2019). This overrepresentation can be explained by the intergenerational trauma experienced by People and Social Work Indigenous Australians. One would think that the trauma this population went through during the colonial era ended with that era; the truth of the matter, however, is that the…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2254 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 2254

Grade/Mark: 92 (Distinction)

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