[ANSWER]Patient Case Study Review
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AP generally does not require antibiotic treatments (Garber et al., 2018)9Patient Case Study Review). As such, one of the primary goals of treatment is pain relief (Phillip et al., 2014). Pain relief was among the immediate care priorities for GK. This is because severe pain in the abdominal area is the predominant clinical manifestation of AP (Chatila et al., 2019). The doctor prescribed a steroid (dexamethasone) for pain relief. Steroids have been shown to be effective anti-inflammatory medications in patients with AP (Dong et al., 2015).
The doctor also prescribed a H2 receptor blocker (cimetidine) for GK to reduce gastric acid secretions. Since the accumulation of pancreatic fluid causes inflammation in the pancreas, H2 receptor blockers provide inflammatory relief, in effect eliminating or reducing pain the abdominal area (Francis et al., 2013). Both medications were administered intravenously.
The roles of the nurse when it comes to pain management in AP are to ensure the prescribed pain relief medications are administered as directed by the doctor and to monitor the patient’s response to the medication (Phillip et al., 2014). I monitored GK on a regular basis to check how she was responding to dexamethasone and cimetidine. During each monitoring episode, I took into consideration not only her verbal reports of pain but also non-verbal cues such as grimacing and abdominal guarding. These non-verbal cues are often indicators of pain.
In patients with AP, abdominal pain may be exacerbated by vigorous movement and lack of comfort while on the bed (Greenberg et al., 2016). To avoid pain increment as a result of vigorous movement, the nurse should ensure the patient maintains as little movement as possible during admission. Reduced movement minimises metabolism and gastrointestinal stimulation, in effect decreasing pancreatic activity (Stigliano et al., 2017). I ensured GK maintained bed rest throughout the admission period. Movement does not only involve walking up and down; even changing bed position in a…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 3141 WORDS](Patient Case Study Review)
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Type: Essay
Word Count: 3141
Grade/Mark: 89 (Distinction)
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