[ANSWER]96325 Patient Case Study: Examining Cellular and Systemic Level Pathophysiological Processes Type 2 Diabetes and Retinopathy

Pathophysiological Processes Type 2

[Pathophysiological Processes Type 2: ANSWER PREVIEW]

Pathophysiological Processes Type 2 : T2D can have negative effects on various body systems, including metabolic, cardiovascular, nervous, renal, and visual systems (Nemer et al., 2020). Hyperglycaemia, ischemic heart disease, nephropathy, neuropathy, visual impairment, and lower-extremity diseases are some of the common complications in T2D patients (Echouffo et al., 2011). These complications manifest in various signs and symptoms. Lewis’s altered signs and symptoms as a result of the pathophysiological processes involved in his T2D and retinopathy can be prioritised based on the A-G framework.

This first element that should be assessed as per the A-G framework is the airway, which comprises the mouth, nose, and the upper respiratory tract (Cathala & Moorley, 2020). Evidenced by signs such as wheezing, choking, coughing and unconsciousness, airway obstruction can be life-threatening. At the time of presentation to the ED, Lewis did not have any sign to indicate airway obstruction.

The second element in the A-G framework is breathing (Cathala & Moorley, 2020). Lewis did not have signs of respiratory distress such as sweating and noisy breathing, but his elevated RR (29 breaths per minute) was suggestive of problematic breathing function. In T2D patients, breathing difficulties (mostly rapid and deep breathing) may occur due…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1958 WORDS]

[Pathophysiological Processes Type 2: SOLUTION DESCRIPTION]

Type: Essay

Word Count: 1958

Grade/Mark: 84 (Distinction)
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