[ANSWER]UMH207 Oral Presentation


Oral Presentation

Oral Presentation

A critical step in caring for a patient with schizophrenia is responding to their immediate needs. Addressing these needs as a matter of urgency facilitates more successful treatment of the patient (Iannaco, 2011). For Jess, the most immediate need is relief from her psychotic symptoms. The nurse would need to initiate the necessary interventions to resolve her paranoia, tinnitus, anxiety, as well as her desire for Valium. Oral Presentation

Due to her psychotic symptoms, Jess may also need to be placed in a calm environment. Another immediate need for Jess relates to her own safety. Not only does she have a history of self-harm, she is pacing around the waiting room threatening to kill herself Oral Presentation if she does not get Valium. This warrants the avoidance or minimisation of the safety risks she faces (Iannaco, 2011).

Slide 8: Challenges In caring for mentally ill patients, nurses often encounter several challenges, with many of them emanating from the patient (Bolsinger et al., 2020). One of the likely Oral Presentation challenges in the case of Jess is aggression, a common problem in schizophrenic patients (Jakhar et al., 2017). Jess has a history of self-harm…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1872 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 1872

Grade/Mark: 88 (Distinction)
