[ANSWER]NURS20027 Assignment 1: The Efficacy of Oral Health Care Interventions Compared to Usual Care for Ensuring Oral Health in Adults After Stroke – A Literature Review
Oral Health Care
The study, conducted between June 2015 and August 2016, involved 86 patients randomly picked from 105 different hospitals. The patients were distributed among two clusters: control group and test group. The control group was subjected to usual care, which mainly involved brushing of teeth daily part of Oral Health Care manually using a standardised toothpaste. On the other hand, the test group was subjected to daily brushing of teeth using powered toothbrushes. The brushing in the test group also involved the use of 1% Chlorhexidine gel.
Patient assessment was conducted in three months and six months, where differences in outcomes between the groups were observed. It was observed that patients in the test group responded better, even though not very significantly compared to the control group. The findings of the survey imply that Oral Health Care is much more effective than usual care in improving post-stroke oral health.
However, the research had a number of weaknesses, including, non-completion of the test by some patients, a relatively small test sample, and a high dropout rate. The causes for the high dropout rate included long follow-up intervals, a huge assessment numbers, and lack of monetary incentives. In this regard, Mohamad et al. (2017) suggested that future explorations be carried out among stroke survivors and other patients in poor health to make up for a high rate of dropout. This study’s clinical…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2243 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 2243
Grade/Mark: 91 (Distinction)