[ANSWER]SOCS221 Written Assessment: Obesity as a Socially Produced Phenomenon
Obesity is one of the health issues through which the link between the social environment and health is observable. There is widespread scholarly consensus that obesity is a socially produced phenomenon (Huang et al., 2016; Medvedyuk et al., 2018; Strulik, 2014). Indeed, to emphasise the link between obesity and the social environment, Huang et al. (2016) terms the obesity epidemic as a social contagion.
In the same vein, Bures et al. (2014) portray obesity as a systems issue in the sense that its origin is in complex social systems. The view that obesity is a socially produced phenomenon simply suggests that obesity has a lot to do with factors that are beyond the control of an individual. These factors are collectively referred to as obesogenic factors (Lakerveld & Mackenbach, 2017).
In an obesogenic environment, leading a healthy Obesity as a Socially Produced life can especially be a challenge, increasing the risk for obesity. Obesogenic environments elevate this risk by, among other ways, limiting access to healthy foods and shaping people’s views and knowledge nutritional issues (Brahmbhatt, 2017; Lakerveld & Mackenbach, 2017)Obesity as a Socially Produced. To put it simply, not matter how hard individuals may try to live and/or eat healthily…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1928 WORDS]
Obesity as a Socially Produced
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1928
Grade/Mark: 95 (Distinction)