[Solution] Shadowing a Nursing Leader Assignment

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Nursing Leader Assignment

Shadowing a Nursing Leader Assignment

Why did you choose to be a nurse?

This particular question was chosen because it offers a unique window of understanding if nursing was a passion of the interviewee or a line of profession they chose because of a particular event. The reason someone chooses a profession would determine their level of commitment and focus towards its ideals and provisions. Also, in gauging the response to this question, I will be able to know if the leader is working to improve the Nursing Leader Assignment or simply working on it because perhaps they have no suitable alternative. I believe that only those who have been passionate about nursing from their early ages can make good nurses.

What part of your job do you love the most?

Nursing Leader Assignment is a wide profession despite the fact that all the various aspects lead to the same goal-promotion of a patient or community’s wellbeing and health (Gallan, McColl-Kennedy, Barakshina, Figueiredo, Jefferies, Gollnhofer & Winklhofer, 2019). Therefore, regardless of the reason the leader opted for this profession, they must have one or two aspects that they cherish and look forward to everyday. As a result, they could be a specialist in these sectors and can even mentor other people better in them. The main aim of the question is to potentially determine the strength of the nurse leader, and even understand the source of that strength.

What has been your greatest challenge so far?

In every sector of life there are challenges. Such questions are, therefore, common in interviews. I chose the question in this case because it will help me understand what difficulties to expect not only in the entire Nursing Leader Assignment profession, but also the specific area of specialty or focus. These challenges could be technical, purely professional, social, or even political. Regardless of their nature, the answer of this question could help me prepare to deal with them when am in the same position as the interviewee. In fact, from the response, I could start preparing mentally to overcome these challenges and even re-examine my resolve to become a nurse and leader in the future.  

How would you describe your people you work with?

To understand a person’s character, I believe you must get their opinions on people close to them. In fact, a leader would treat their juniors according to how he perceives them. This question was chosen to give an idea about the kind of people the nurse leader is working with, how he has managed to harmonize the various differences and probably create a formidable team out of the diversity. It is also important to note that through this question, one may understand why the interviewee settled on a particular leadership skill.

What technology/informatics do you think has revolutionized nursing care?

I chose this question to cover the technical aspects of nursing profession and Nursing Leader Assignment. Technology has become a critical part of nursing. Research-based practice systems have generally been incorporated into the traditional nursing care with a net result of improved quality of care. The question identifies exactly which technology system(s) the interviewee feel has benefited the profession more, and why.

What are some of the qualities you feel a nurse leader must possess?

Every nurse is a leader in their own right. However, this question is concerned with leadership in an official capacity. It was chosen to help with explicit understanding of the interviewee’s perception of nurse leadership. It offers a unique view into how leadership has led to his achievements including developing his career to the current position. Response to the question could also cover existing styles of leadership and when to choose a particular one. The question could help me inculcate some of the qualities and understand when these situations and even leadership maybe useful (Shadowing a Nursing Leader Assignment)


Gallan, A. S., McColl-Kennedy, J. R., Barakshina, T., Figueiredo, B., Jefferies, J. G., Gollnhofer, J., … & Winklhofer, H. (2019). Transforming community well-being through patients’ lived experiences. Journal of Business Research100, 376-391.

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