[ANSWER]NSG3204 Assignment 2- Written Assignment: How Nurses Are Held Accountable For Their Practice

How Nurses Are Held Accountable For Their Practice
Due date: 19th October 2020
Length: 1,500 words
Mark loading: 40%
Submission: Electronic via BRIGHTSPACE
Accountability is an integral component of professional nursing practice. Nurses’ accountability requires that nurses demonstrate competence and Nurses Are Held Accountable in the provision of nursing care as specified by registration requirements, nursing board standards and codes, educational preparation, relevant legislation and context of care.
Assessment Instructions
- This assignment requires you to reflect on the ways nurses are accountable for their practice and how this relates to nursing standards, policies, codes and guidelines. Reflect on the learning outcomes for this unit, and the content we have covered from weeks 6-10 to discuss: How Nurses Are Held Accountable for their practice
- Use two practical examples to guide your discussion to demonstrate your understanding of nurses’ accountabilities.
- You can use one broad area of accountability and provide two related examples E.g Patient Advocacy
- Example one – ensuring informed consent is obtained
- Example two – communicating patient’s wishes to have a medication ceased
- You can discuss two different areas of accountability as your examples:
- Example one – advocacy
- Example two – maintaining currency with CPD
Either way is fine, but be aware you must provide literature support for the examples/areas you discuss to support your discussion. Make sure you clearly explain how each example DEMONSTRATES how Nurses Are Held Accountable for their practice
3. Refer to at least two key documents from the list below to further support your discussion and demonstrate you understand how these documents guide nurses’ accountability and practice.
4. Make sure there is a clear introduction that outlines what you will discuss, which examples you will use and which key documents will support your discussion.
5. The body of the paper should utilise current literature to critically analyse how the examples you are discussing demonstrate that Nurses Are Held Accountable. Please make reference to the key documents in the body of the paper as appropriate E.g as demonstrated in Principle 4: Professional Behaviour (NMBA 2018), BUT DO NOT COPY large sections of text from these documents. You are expected to INTERPRET the standard, code or guideline, PARAPHRASE and EXPLAIN your understanding of how the code/standard applies to your example of nurses’ accountability
6. Conclusion: Synthesise your conclusions about the key accountabilities you have discussed and what you have learned
Key documents you can use to support your discussion
- The National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards (2nd Ed.) (2017)
- Nursing and Midwifery Board Australia (NMBA) (2016) Registered Nurses Standards for Practice
- Nursing and Midwifery Board Australia (NMBA (2018) Code of Conduct for Nurses
- International Council of Nurses (2012) The ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses1
- Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (2014) Social Media Policy
- Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (2014) Guidelines for Advertising Regulated Health Services (2014)
- Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (2017) ANMF Guideline: Use of social media and online networking [ Nurses Are Held Accountable ]
Topic areas for discussion could include some or any of the following, or any other relevant areas related to nurses’ accountability
- Advocacy
- Quality and safety – E.g safe administration of medications
- Compliance with Nursing standards
- Maintaining CPD
- Open disclosure
- Documentation
- Incident reporting
- Attaining English proficiency
Appropriate, relevant and current references are expected for all assessment submissions using APA 6th citation. Refer to rubrics on Brightspace for further assessment details
Nurses similarly understand advocacy in terms of interpersonal relationships. In a study by Nsiah, Siakwa, and Ninnoni (2019), nurse respondents acknowledged that Nurses Are Held Accountable for establishing therapeutic interpersonal relationship with the patients. The nurses observed that they ought to gain a profound comprehension of the patients, their needs, and value their role throughout the care process. In this sense, the onus is on nurses to handle patients as human beings who happen to be in a position of vulnerability which, needless to say, does not invalidate their need for human connection. Nsiah, Siakwa, and Ninnoni (2019) record that nurses seized the improved relationships to educate patients on their conditions. This group of caregivers understand that Nurses Are Held Accountable for more than just the actual care they give to the patients. Doing more, in this sense, is linked with speedy recovery and better cooperation (Nsiah, Siakwa, & Ninnoni, 2019). On a different note, advocacy and, in particular, the aspect involving respecting patients’ rights and autonomy could be somehow challenging for nurses. Patients’ self-determination could limit the extent of advocacy among nurses and, in…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1857 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1857
Grade/Mark: 94 (Distinction)