[ANSWER]Nursing Civility: Role of Nurse Practitioner in Cultivating and Sustaining Civility

Nurse Practitioner


Topic: Role of Nurse Practitioner in Cultivating and Sustaining Civility

Discuss role of NP in cultivating and sustaining civility – Sensitively and succinctly depict uncivil behavior that you have witnessed or been exposed to and present a plausible, doable, workable solution to benefit all concerned.


It is the existence of colleagues like mine which prompt a solution that can help everyone involved. Generally, when it comes to cultivating and sustaining civility, the buck stops with the individual nurse practitioners. They are at the focal point of the issue, thus, play an important role in obtaining a solution. The most important individual role is for the practitioners to reflect and examine their behaviors (Milesky, Baptiste, Foronda, Dupler & Belcher, 2015)…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 791 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 791

Grade/Mark: 89 (Distinction) Go Home