[ANSWER]NURS13135 Assessment 3: Transitional Challenges among Newly Graduated Registered Nurses: Reality Shock and Coping/Resilience Strategies
Transitional Challenges among Newly Graduated Registered Nurses
Due to their limited experience, NGRNs (Newly Graduated Registered Nurses) are highly prone to low self-confidence and doubt. Besides, the modus operandi at the practice setting requires making tough decisions without any room for error. The workplace consists an ever-increasing number of patients, a wide range of conditions, complex technology, and different comorbidities (Hofler & Thomas, 2016). Given the gravity of the consequences associated with any slight mistake, inexperienced nurses may shy away from performing as required and, instead, hold back. Under these circumstances, the result is a debilitating culmination of confusion, uncertainty, and reality shock.
The uncertainty and shock can greatly impact the performance of a NGRN. The resultant fear can wholly consume the nurse and even impede their personal and professional growth (Thomas et al., 2012). In extreme cases, the confusion, shock and frustration can negatively affect the mental wellbeing of a nurse to an extent of rendering them unable to work. Another transitional challenge faced by NGRNs (Newly Graduated Registered Nurses) relate to relationships with their preceptors. NGRNs (Newly Graduated Registered Nurses) are plagued with communication challenges and poor relationships with their preceptors (Aggar et al., 2017).
Jane does not know what she needs to know because of a breakdown in communication with her preceptor and, possibly, even with her peers. The relationship between her and the preceptor has deteriorated to a point of no mutual respect and unnecessary punishment. A simple issue that can be solved through communication culminates into a punishable offense. Gill et al. (2010) and Hezaveh et al. (2013) found communication problems among novice nurses ranging from low to high, with most of them lacking basic…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2619 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 2619
Grade/Mark: 98 (Distinction)