[ANSWER]PUBH6001 Public Health A2- Policy Analysis: The National Disability Insurance Scheme
National Disability Insurance
While the implementation of the NDIS started in July 2016, its history is much longer. Australia’s adoption of the NDIS reflects shifts that have occurred in many developed countries, especially North America and Western Europe, in the last few decades with respect to public policy in the area of disability (Olney & Dickinson, 2019). In these countries, there has been a shift towards self-directed care for people with permanent disability and individualised funding for services aimed at this group (Carey & Dickinson, 2017). National Disability Insurance
With inspiration from many of its developed peers, Australia under the Abbott government finally enacted the NDIS Act in 2013, setting the foundation for the establishment of the NDIS and the NDIA (Buckmaster, 2017).
The objectives of the new disability policy were to enhance funding for disability services, increase access to supports for people with permanent disability, and to give these individuals choice in the design and delivery of services targeted at them (Olney & Dickinson, 2019). After a trial phase, the scheme finally became fully operational in 2020. The policy process involved in the development of the NDIS was a highly evidenced-based process.
Evidence-based policymaking is policymaking that is informed by research (Muir Gray, 2004). Health policies informed by evidence are better placed to achieve their intended objectives than policies not anchored on research. For the case of National Disability Insurance the NDIS, reports produced by researchers and the Productivity Commission in the late 2000s and early 2010s revealed significant shortcomings in the country’s existing disability services. First, the reports noted that the services were not consistent with stipulation by…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2601 WORDS]
National Disability Insurance
Type: Essay
Word Count: 2601
Grade/Mark: 88 (Distinction)