[ANSWER]7015HSV Disability Theories and Approaches Assignment 1- Indigenous Australians and the National Disability Insurance Scheme: Key Challenges and Considerations for Policymakers
Indigenous Australians and the National Disability Insurance Scheme
Indigenous Australians grapple with a greater prevalence of disability [ National Disability Insurance Scheme] in comparison to non-Indigenous Australians in virtually every aspect of disability. Generally, Indigenous Australians are 1.8 times more likely to have a disability and 2 times more likely to use disability services compared to their non-Indigenous counterparts (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare [AIHW], 2019). This inequality is largely attributable to the numerous socioeconomic barriers faced by Indigenous Australians, including higher poverty and illiteracy rates, limited accessibility to primary healthcare and disability services, and incompatibility between disability services and their culture (Biddle et al., 2014; Brolan & Harley, 2018).
Rooted in the institutionalised racism and marginalisation that Indigenous Australians have faced since the colonial era, these social determinants influence the health and wellbeing of this population in almost every way, with the disadvantage being particularly marked among those living in rural and remote areas. Not only do Indigenous Australians have a higher prevalence of disability compared to the rest of the population, they have a disability profile that remarkably differs from the rest of the population. According to Biddle et al. (2014), this distinctiveness manifests in three core dimensions: demographic, geographic and health dimensions.[ National Disability Insurance Scheme ]
In terms of the demographic dimension, Indigenous Australians have a younger age structure compared to the rest of the population. As of 2011, Indigenous Australians aged 24 years and below comprised approximately 56% of the overall population of this group, compared to 32% for the rest of Australia (Biddle et al., 2014). Additionally, while only 3% of Indigenous Australians were aged 65 years and above as of 2011, the proportion of non-Indigenous Australians in this age group was 14%. This difference in age distribution between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians remains to date [ National Disability Insurance Scheme ]. Though the Indigenous population has a younger age…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2925 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 2925
Grade/Mark: 89 (Distinction)