[ANSWER]Assessment 3 – Case Study: Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change

[ANSWER PREVIEW] There are five stages of change according to the transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change
There are five stages of change according to the transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change: 1) pre-contemplation (the patient is not ready for change); 2) contemplation (the patient is considering change); 3) preparation and action (the patient is ready for change and takes steps to proceed to the action stage); 4) maintenance (the patient maintains behavior change); and 5) relapse (the patient reverts to the problematic behavior) (Hall et al., 2012). John can be said to be in the second stage of the model: contemplation. He feels that his drinking problem is the cause of his declining occupational functioning and intimate relationship difficulties.
At the same time, he is reluctant to abandon alcohol use. To put it simply, John has some ambivalence as far as changing his problematic drinking Model of Behavior Change is concerned. Being ambivalent about behavior change means that one recognizes that their behavior is problematic but one is still undecided whether to stop the behavior or not. For John, alcohol is not just a recreational activity; it gives him a…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1697 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1697
Grade/Mark: 89 (Distinction)