[Solution] MSN350 Midterm Blueprint Spring 2024

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Midterm Blueprint Spring 2024

Midterm Blueprint Spring
  1. What are the advantages of ARBs over ACEIs?
  2. Nitrogylicerin- know Side-effects, indications, use and follow up
  3. Medications to give for atrial fibrillation
  4. Medication interactions when taking a beta blocker and a nitrate?
  5.  Know the mechanism of Action: Platelet Inhibitors
  6. Calcium channel blockers- side effects, indications, and use
  7. What should the FNP warn patients when taking a thiazide diuretic
  8. What is the treatment for chronic stable angina?
  9. Treatment for cholesterol, triglycerides, ldl, hdl
  10. Side effects of digoxin, levels, indications, management?
  11. Know propranolol
  12. Know warfarin
  13. Know tests with warfarin, lovenox, heparin
  14. Know beta blockers side-effects, patient teaching
  15. Pharmacotherapy success with medications
  16. Know nitrogycerin
  17. Know class of hypertensives and their side -effects ARBs, ACEIs, CCBs, BB
  18. Know glargine
  19. Know loop diuretics
  20. Know how to treat a hypo and hyperthyroid patient with symptoms and labs which medications to use
  21. How do we diagnose diabetes in patients?
  22. Know lab values and which diuretic to give in relation to labs
  23. Category of warfarin with pregnant women
  24. Know the stepswise approach in asthma which medications are given first and 2nd step.
  25. What are the tests to order when starting a statin?
  26. Treatment for DVT?
  27. What is a potential complication you may monitor for patients on Heparin after 5 days of treatment?
  28. Know heparin, side effects, labs, antidote
  29. What do statins inhibit in the liver?
  30. Medications for high triglycerides
  31. What is the concerning organ with the use of Statins?
  32.  The medication of choice for Vasospastic Angina are:
  33. Why should grapefruit juice be avoided with CCB?
  34. What medications should a post MI (STEMI) patient be taking?
  35. Medication for HTN gravidum
  36. Where do the most potent diuretics act?
  37. Medication for urge incontinence
  38. What should the NP be concerned when a patient is taking a glycoside and a CCB together?
  39. Treatment for HTN in African Americans is:
  40. Furosemide and follow up on labs
  41. First line of medication for HTN
  42. Which is a protective diuretic for CAD patients to treat their heart failure
  43. Know medication of choice for bedwetting in children
  44. Know how to treat a COPD patient Saba, Laba? (Midterm Blueprint Spring )
  45. Know chlorthalidone (Zaroxolyn) indications, side-effects (see Week 4 discussion)
  46. Know reasons to avoid beta-blockers in patients
  47. An example of a BB, CCB, ACEi, (remember the endings…)(Midterm Blueprint Spring)
  48. Know the precautions for beta-blockers
  49. Know reasons to avoid an ACE in patients
  50. Know the treatment options for a patient post MI what the guidelines recommend
  51. (Midterm Blueprint Spring) Go Home Page…..