[ANSWER]HLSC661 Assignment 2: Mentorship in the Clinical Setting
[ANSWER PREVIEW]A comprehensive needs assessment of each of the participating hospitals was conducted to identify strengths Mentorship in the Clinical.
The programme was implemented in three key stages. In the first stage, a comprehensive needs assessment of each of the participating hospitals was conducted to identify strengths and areas of improvement Mentorship in the Clinical. The needs assessment exercise involved not only the management and nursing/midwifery personnel of the participating hospitals, but also officials from the Tanzanian Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW). The second stage involved development of the training curriculum based on the specific needs of each hospital.
The main aim of the training programmer was to improve the capacity of experienced nurses and midwives to mentor their novice and student counterparts. As such, the central theme of the curriculum was mentorship and clinical supervision. The curriculum was designed to equip participants with knowledge of what clinical Mentorship in the Clinical is, teaching techniques, and associated concepts like clinical leadership, multidisciplinary collaboration, communication, trust building, and clinical decision making in the context of obstetric care. In addition to theoretical concepts, the curriculum incorporated interactive and engaging activities…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1633 WORDS]
Type: Essay
Word Count: 1633
Grade/Mark: 93 (Distinction)