[ANSWER]Assignment 2 Essay Case Study- Comprehensive Assessment in Mental Health Social Work: A Case Study

Mental Health Social Work

[ANSWER PREVIEW] Mental health social workers focus on both problems and strengths when doing assessment (Bland et al., 2015).

As the biopsychosocial model goes beyond the individual, mental health social workers focus on both problems and strengths when doing assessment (Bland et al., 2015). Put simply, they consider the social factors that expose people to or protect them from mental illness. Problems denote the pathophysiology of a given mental illness as well as the personal and social factors that increase the risk for the illness (Bland et al., 2015). In social anxiety disorder, for example, parenting, the family environment and culture are thought to play a significant role in the aetiology of the disorder (Brook & Schmidt, 2008; Lampe, 2009).

To illustrate, individuals who face parental rejection during childhood and overcontrolling parenting are more likely to develop anxiety problems in adolescence or later stages of their life compared to those who do not (Brook & Schmidt, 2008). Strengths on the other hand are the factors that protect an individual against poor Mental Health Social Work or facilitate recovery from mental illness (Bland et al., 2015). Such factors include personal competencies such as strong social skills, talents and interests, social support, and communal resources.

For Mental Health Social Work anxiety disorder and other anxiety problems, for example, strong coping skills, high self-esteem, optimism, social support, and engagement in physical exercise have been identified as protective factors (Dooley et al., 2015; Zimmerman et al., 2020). These personal and social factors offer protection against mental illness by enhancing an individual’s ability to manage difficulties, remain functional in the wake of distress, and to recover from trauma (Bland et al., 2015). Paying attention to both problems and strengths in assessment offers a broader understanding of the client and facilitates the design of a more effective intervention…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 2787 WORDS]


Type: Essay

Word Count: 2787

Grade/Mark: 94 (Distinction)

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