[ANSWER]NURS 20150 Contexual Foundations of Mental Health – Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model: Implications for the Mental Health of Marginalised Persons
[ANSWER PREVIEW about mental health]
Marginalised groups like Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders (ATSI) have especially borne the brunt of historical injustices and racial discrimination, whose mental health impact continue to resonate among the population todate. During colonisation, pervasive racism had the Indigenous population stripped of their land and socio-cultural ideals like denial or right to speak their language and practice their traditions (Waterworth et al., 2015).
In some cases, they were tortured and segregated. These atrocities and the resulting discrimination live in the Australian society to this day, with major socio-psychological impacts. The major impacts of ongoing discriminatory practices within the population have contributed to high rates of unemployment and, therefore, poverty and huge disparities in education and health. The ongoing existence of these discriminatory practices in mental health services ultimately impedes recovery.
According to MHCA (2011), various forms of discrimination are detrimental to a person’s social status, reduce their self-esteem, and affect their social networks. As will be seen in the next sections of this paper, social networks and connectedness play a vital role in mental health recovery. It follows, therefore, that lack of one may not only worsen the situation, but also obscure the path to recovery. Discriminatory practices also lead…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 3077 WORDS] Home
Type: Essay
Word Count: 3077
Grade/Mark: 90 (Distinction)