[ANSWER]NURS1087: Assessment Analysis in Mental Health Nursing


Mental Health Nursing

Course Outline

Please read this Course Outline carefully. It includes:

SECTION A:          Course summary

SECTION B:          Course details SECTION C:          Further information

SECTION A:       NURS1087 Course Summary

Course Code(s)NURS1087
Course TitleAssessment Analysis in Mental Health Nursing
Duration1 Semester (12 Weeks)
Pre-Requisite Courses and Assumed Knowledge and Capabilities:To be eligible to undertake this course you must be registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency as a Division One Registered Nurse.
Credit Points12
Mode of DeliveryOnline
    Assessment SummaryOnline QuizMental Health Assessment, Case Formulation and Recovery PlansComplex Mental Health Clinical Review

Course Description

This course contributes to the development of the Program Learning Outcomes for GD158 Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Nursing in the following way:

  • PLO 1: The Mental Health Nurse acknowledges diversity in culture, values and belief systems and ensures his/her practice is non-discriminatory, and promotes dignity and self-determination
  • PLO 3: The Mental Health Nurse develops a therapeutic relationship that is respectful of the individual’s choices, experiences, and circumstances. This involves building on strengths, holding hope, and enhancing resilience to promote recovery.
  • PLO 6: The Mental Health Nurse actively pursues opportunities to reduce stigma and promotes social inclusion and community participation for all people with mental health issues.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

On successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Critically review assessment processes used in the management of clients with an alteration to their mental health status.
  2. Critically analyse assessment frameworks and specific assessment tools used in the diagnosis of clients presenting with specific symptoms related to an alteration to their mental health status.
  3. Apply culturally specific principles to interviewing strategies used for the purpose of mental health/illness assessment.
  4. Demonstrate an advanced level of knowledge related to professional competence in assessment, program planning and program evaluation for clients with mental health needs.

SECTION B:       NURS1042 detailed outline

Unit Teaching Staff

Sarah McFadyenCourse Coordinator201.07.059925 5621sarah.mcfadyen@rmit.edu.au

Learning and Teaching Structure

ActivityTotal HoursHours per WeekTeaching Period Weeks
Lectures24 hours2 hoursWeeks 1 to 12
Online Tutorials12 hours2 hoursWeeks 1,3,5,7,9,11
Self-directed Learning24 hours2 hoursWeeks 1 to 12

Overview of Learning Activities

Learning activities you will undertake during this course include a mixture of lectures, class discussion and self-directed learning exercises including directed reading of academic literature.

The assessment associated with this course will comprise formative and summative assessment and incorporate a variety of assessment modes. Your assessments will primarily take the form of written work requiring reflection and critical analysis

Overview of Learning Resources

The learning resources associated with this course will include lecture notes, self- directed learning packages, and targeted readings taken from a range of both primary and secondary sources. Course material will be delivered via CANVAS, Discussion Board interaction and Blackboard Collaborate workshops. Practice learning activities will be provided in a variety of ways, including simulated learning activities. RMIT will provide you with resources and tools for learning in this course through our online systems.

Overview of Assessment

This course has no hurdle requirements.

Assessment Tasks Assessment Task 1: Online Quiz

Weighting of final grade: 10%

This assessment task supports CLOs 2, 3 & 4

Assessment Task 2: Mental Health Assessment, Case Formulation and Recovery Plans

Weighting of final grade: 40%

This assessment task supports CLOs 1 & 4

Assessment Task 3: Complex Mental Health Clinical Review

Weighting 50%

This assessment task supports CLOs 1, 3, & 4

Week by Week Schedule

WeekModulesTutorial Activity/Assessments
Week 1 18/7/22Introduction to NURS1087 Understanding Mental Health Assessments & InterviewingTutorial 1 (2 hours) – 21/7 @1000hrs
Week 2 25/7/22Strengths & Recovery Based Assessment 
Week 3 01/08/22Risk AssessmentTutorial 2 (2 hours) – 4/8 @1000hrs
Week 4 08/08/22Critiquing Assessment Tools 
Week 5 15/08/22Family and Gender Based Violence Risk AssessmentTutorial 3 (2 hours) – 18/8 @1000hrs Assessment 1 due by 21st August 2022 2359hrs.
Week 6 22/08/22Suicide and Self Harm Assessment 
MID SEMESTER BREAK 29/08 to 04/09
Week 7 05/09/22Cultural and Spiritual AssessmentsTutorial 4 (2 hours) – 8/9 @1000hrs Assessment 2 due by 11th September 2022 2359hrs.
Week 8 12/09/22Trauma Assessment 
Week 9 19/09/22Forensic AssessmentTutorial 5 (2 hours) – 22/9 @1000hrs
Week 10 26/09/22Physical Health Assessment 
Week 11 03/10/22Family Assessments ToolsTutorial 6 (2 hours) – 6/10@1000hrs
Week 12 10/10/22Younger and Older Persons AssessmentAssessment 3 due by 14th October 2022 2359hrs.


  Tasks and Details  Individual or Group  WeightingUnit Learning Outcomes that this assessment task relates to  Assessment Due Date
Assessment 1: Online Quiz The quiz will cover content from Week 1 to 4 and will comprise of 20 multiple choice questions worth 0.5 marks each. The quiz will be open from 14th August 2359hrs. Once open you will have 20 minutes to complete the quiz once you commence.Individual10%2, 3 & 4Week 5 Due by 21st August 2359hrs
Assessment 2 – Mental Health Assessment, Case Formulation and Recovery Plans Word count 1,500 words This assessment task requires you to choose a consumer you are working with or have worked with in the past and write a comprehensive assessment that incorporates evidenced based practice. Assessments often relies on static and dynamic data-which incorporates the mental state examination (MSE) and corresponding Risk Assessment. The focus of this essay would be the MSE and Risk Assessment as well as the resulting recovery plan.Individual40%1 & 4Week 7 Due by 11th September 2359hrs
Assignment 3: Complex Mental Health Clinical Review Word count 2,500 words The purpose of this assessment is to provide an opportunity for you and to examine your ability to critically examine the treatment plan of a consumer presenting with complex care issues. In mental health settings, clinical reviews provide the opportunities for the interdisciplinary care team to engage in discussions about the care that is provided to consumers particularly in situations where the usual treatment is resulting in poor health outcomes for the consumer.Individual50%1, 3 & 4Week 12 Due by 14th October 2359hrs

SECTION C:       Student General Information

Assessment Resources

The resources for this Assessment task can be found in the weekly support material modules section in the course canvas shell.

Questions can be posted on the Course discussion board or emailed to your teacher. RMIT Learning lab: Study resources (Links to an external site.) ( (part of the Study and Learning Centre) has a range of resources to help students with writing.

Reference guide: (Links to an external site.) this pdf provides a sample of how you should reference in the APA style.

Assessment Support

  • Study and learning centre drop-in service: You can find out about academic expectations, receive feedback on your assignments from a Learning Advisor, access learning resources and discuss any study issues.
  • https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/study-support/consultations (Links to an external site.)– One-on-one consultations to help with learning.
  • Smart thinking feedback: E-tutors provide comprehensive feedback on students’ writing within a 24-hour turnaround.
  • Academic Integrity/plagiarism: You can achieve academic integrity by honestly submitting work that is your own.

Presenting work that fails to acknowledge other people’s work within yours can compromise academic integrity.

  • Submission guidelines: All work for Assessable Tasks is required to be submitted on the due date and time as outlined in the Assessment Briefs.

The exception to this is where an approved ELS plan, an application for Special Consideration or an approved Extension of Time is in place,

submitted before the task’s due date with appropriate documentation.

Extensions of time for submissions of assessable work

https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/student-essentials/assessment-and- exams/assessment/extensions-of-time-for-submission-of-assessable-work (Links to an external site.)

If you are prevented from submitting an assessment on time by circumstances outside your control you may apply for an extension of up to seven (7) calendar days in writing (email) to your Course Coordinator one working day BEFORE the due date. Eligibility criteria

Examples of the type of circumstances that may be considered include:

  1. unexpected short-term physical or mental illness;
  2. primary carer responsibility for a family member with an unexpected illness;
  3. an unexpected, unavoidable employment commitment;
  4. other unexpected personal circumstances outside your control such as: bereavement; being the victim of a crime or other trauma; severe disruption to living arrangements or financial hardship, for instance, the sudden loss of employment or income.

As per School of Health and Biomedical Science extension request guidelines:

  • Extensions of up to 3 days require no supporting documentation to be attached as part of the application.
  • Extension from 4-7 days require supportive evidence such as medical certification, note from employer, a death notice or notice of funeral service, or a statutory declaration of personal impact statement.

Falsifying documents is considered fraud and treated very seriously. If you are proven to have falsified supporting documents for ANY REASON, you are likely to have your course result converted to a fail or have other penalties applied. As a student, you must be aware of your obligations and responsibilities under the RMIT Student Conduct Regulations.

Your Course Coordinator will notify you (via email) that your extension has been approved and indicate the new due date if applicable. If you require an extension of time longer than 7 days, you must apply for Special Consideration.

An application for special consideration Mental Health Nursing is made in advance of an assessment wherever possible, but normally within five working days after the assessment date.

Penalties for late submission of an assignment

Assignments received late and without prior extension approval or special consideration will be penalised by a deduction of 10% of the total score possible per calendar day for that assessment.

For example:

An assignment worth 40 marks will have 4 marks deducted per calendar day after the due date.

The deductions will accrue after the due date. If that assignment is submitted 5 calendar days late, 20 marks (= 5 days x 4 marks/day) will be deducted.

If the marker grades the work as 37 marks out of 40, the student’s result will be amended to 17 marks after 5 days. (i.e. 37 – 20 marks = 17 marks)

Work submitted beyond 5 calendar days after the due date will not be marked and will receive a mark of zero.


In this course the main methods of communication will be:

  • Announcements made by teaching staff. Please be sure to adjust your notification settings as advised by your Course Coordinator.
  • Discussion forums: teaching staff will be monitoring these discussion forums and should respond within 48 hours. The discussion forums have been designed to create a sense of course community outside the classroom.
  • Please allow at least 48 hours for replies to emails. Staff will not be monitoring their emails over the weekend and public holidays. Any email sent after business hours would be attended to on the next business day

Online Behaviour

Please be considerate and respectful of your fellow classmates and teaching staff in this Canvas course. As with on-campus interactions, RMIT expects all individuals to behave in an appropriate manner in online environments and not to engage in bullying, discrimination, or aggressive behaviour.

a) Minimum requirements to pass this Course

To pass this unit, you must:

  • You must gain an aggregate mark of 50% or more

b)    Examinations

There is no examination in this unit

c)    Submission Requirements

Assignments and other assessments must be submitted through the Canvas assessment submission system.

Please ensure you keep a copy of all assessments that are submitted.

An Assessment Cover Sheet must be submitted with your assignment. The standard Assessment Cover Sheet is available from the Current Students web site (see Part C).

d) Referencing

To avoid plagiarism, you are required to provide a reference whenever you include information from other sources in your work. Further details regarding plagiarism are available in Section C of this document.

Referencing conventions required for this unit are: APA 7th Edition Helpful information on referencing can be found at: https://www.lib.rmit.edu.au/easy-cite/

e)    Group work Guidelines

There are no group works in this unit

Required Textbook(s)

No required text

Recommended Reading Materials

The Library has a large collection of resource materials, both texts and current journals that are relevant to nursing research. Please go unto the RMIT Library website where you will be able to access e-books related to nursing research.

NURS1042 Learning and Teaching Structure

TypeHours per weekNumber of WeeksTotal
Online Contact   
Specified Learning Activities (Including asynchronous online activities (eg discussion boards), readings, group work etc)  5  12  60
Unspecified Learning Activities (includes independent study, assignment preparation, revision)  Recommended 54
TOTAL 150 hours


Student Charter

Please familiarise yourself with RMIT’s Student Charter. The charter describes what students can reasonably expect from RMIT in order to enjoy a quality learning experience. As students contribute to

their own learning experience to that of their fellow students, the charter also defines the University’s expectations of students.

Student behaviour and wellbeing

RMIT has a range of policies and procedures that govern how students are expected to conduct themselves throughout the course of their relationship with the University. These include policies on expected standards of behaviour and conduct which cover interaction with fellow students, staff and the wider University community, in addition to following the health and safety requirements in the course of their studies and whilst using University facilities.

All students are expected to familiarise themselves with University regulations, policies and procedures and have an obligation to abide by the expected guidelines. Any student found to be in breach may be subject to relevant disciplinary processes. Some examples of relevant expected behaviours are:

  • Not engaging in student misconduct
  • Ensuring compliance with the University’s Anti-Discrimination, Bullying and Violence and Sexual Harassment requirements
  • Complying with all RMIT occupational health and safety requirements, including following emergency and evacuation procedures and following instructions given by staff/wardens or emergency response.

In teaching areas, it is expected that students conduct themselves in a manner that is professional and not disruptive to others. In all RMIT laboratories, there are specific safety procedures which must be followed, such as wearing appropriate footwear and safety equipment, not acting in a manner

which is dangerous or disruptive (e.g. playing computer games), and not bringing in food or drink. All etiquettes required for Online learning must also be adhered to by all students.


mental health nursing

You should regularly access the RMIT Course Management System-Canvas. Canvas is regularly updated with important Unit information and communications.


All communication will be via your RMIT email address. If you access your email through a provider other than RMIT, then it is your responsibility to ensure that your RMIT email is redirected to your private email address.


Plagiarism is the action or practice of taking and submitting or presenting the thoughts, writings or other work of someone else as though it is your own work. Plagiarism includes any of the following, without full and appropriate acknowledgment to the original source(s):

  • The use of the whole or part of a computer program written by another person;
    • The use, in essays or other assessable work, of the whole or part of a written work from any source including but not limited to a book, journal, newspaper article, set of lecture notes, current or past student’s work, any other person’s work, a website or database;
    • The paraphrasing of another’s work;
    • The use of musical composition, audio, visual, graphic and photographic models,
    • The use of realia that is objects, artefacts, costumes, models and the like.

Plagiarism includes the submission of assessments that have been developed by another person or service through contract, tender or online writing services.

Plagiarism also includes the preparation or production and submission or presentation of assignments or other work in conjunction with another person or other people when that work should be your own independent work. This remains plagiarism whether or not it is with the knowledge or consent of the other person or people. It should be noted that RMIT encourages its students to talk to staff, fellow

students and other people who may be able to contribute to a student’s academic work but that where independent assignment is required, submitted or presented work must be the student’s own.

Plagiarism includes the submission of assessments that have been developed by another person or service through contract, tender or online writing services.

Enabling plagiarism contributes to plagiarism and therefore will be treated as a form of plagiarism by the University. Enabling plagiarism means allowing or otherwise assisting another student to copy or otherwise plagiarise work by, for example, allowing access to a draft or completed assignment or other work.

RMIT University uses plagiarism detection software (such as Turnitin) for assignments submitted electronically via Canvas. Your Convenor will provide further details.

The penalties for plagiarism can be severe ranging from a zero grade for an assessment task through to expulsion from the unit and in the extreme, exclusion from RMIT. Consequently, you need to avoid plagiarism by providing a reference whenever you include information from other sources in your work.

Student support

You should talk to your Course Coordinator or Student Services, for information on academic support services available for RMIT students.

Special consideration

If your studies have been adversely affected due to serious and unavoidable circumstances outside of your control (e.g. severe illness or unavoidable obligation) you may be able to apply for special consideration (SPC).

Applications for Special Consideration will be submitted via the SPC online tool normally no later than 5.00pm on the third working day after the submission/sitting date for the relevant assessment component.

Special needs

Sometimes students with a disability, a mental health or medical condition or significant carer responsibilities require reasonable adjustments to enable full access to and participation in education. Your needs can be addressed by RMIT’s Access Ability Services by negotiating and distributing an ‘Education Access Plan’. The plan makes recommendations to university teaching and examination staff. You must notify Access Ability Services of your disability or condition within one week after the commencement of your unit to allow the University to make reasonable adjustments.

Review of marks

An independent marker will review all fail grades for major assessment tasks. In addition, a review of assessment is undertaken if your final result is between 45 and 49 or within 2 marks of any grade threshold.

If you are not satisfied with the result of an assessment, you can ask the Course Coordinator to review the result. Your request must be made in writing within 10 working days of receiving the result.

The Course Coordinator will review your result to determine if your result is appropriate. In some cases the Course Coordinator may ask to make an appointment with you to go through your Mental health nursing, also known as psychiatric nursing, is a specialized field within nursing that focuses on the assessment, diagnosis, treatment work to clarify any concerns.

It is the students’ responsibility to make time available for this appointment if required, and requested.

If you are dissatisfied with the outcomes of the review, you can lodge a formal complaint.

Feedback, complaints, and suggestions

In the first instance you may discuss any issues with your course coordinator. If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the discussions with the course coordinator or would prefer not to deal with your Course Coordinator, then you can complete a feedback form.



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