[ANSWER]CNA256 Mental Health Assessment 2: Significance of Recovery Principles in the Provision of Care for Individuals with Mental Health Problems.

Mental Health Assessment 2, you are required to write an essay of 1500 words on the following topic:
“Discuss the significance of Recovery principles in the provision of care for individuals with mental health problems”.
The assignment is for you to demonstrate your understanding of:
-basic human psychosocial needs and their relationship to mental health.
-challenges faced by individuals with mental health problems in society during their recovery.
The primary focus is then for you to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the ‘Recovery’ approach and its application in Mental Health Assessment 2
Submission deadline:
2.00 pm
on Thursday 7 January 2021
Unit description
The focus of this unit is on the common mental health problems. A consumer-oriented approach to health care is emphasised throughout this unit to assist students to appreciate concepts that shape mental health practices, including chronic condition self-management, holistic care and Recovery.
Students will have the opportunity to develop knowledge about the common Mental Health Assessment 2 conditions and will develop practical communication strategies within the Mental State Examination (MSE) that are useful when providing health care in complex situations in clinical environments.
Intended Learning Outcomes
On completion of this unit, you will be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a range of common Mental Health Assessment 2 conditions and how people are likely to present if they experience them.
- Apply theoretical and practical knowledge of the Recovery approach to care in a variety of nursing contexts.
- Identify and apply practical communication strategies for undertaking a Mental State Examination (MSE) when providing health care in a complex environment.
- Apply knowledge of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention to promote mental health in individuals, families, and communities.
- Discuss the relevant legal and ethical dimensions to clinical situations related to Mental Health Assessment 2.
- Demonstrate strengthening of critical self-reflection and responsibility that indicate an active commitment to the promotion of health outcomes.
Assessment details
Assessment task 1
Task Description
Online Quiz (MCQs) – to be completed through MyLO.
Set of 20 multiple choice questions assessing material covered in the set readings from Evans et al (2017) ‘Psychiatric and mental health nursing’ for weeks 1-3 lectures/tutorials/workshops content.
You must log onto the MyLO site for this unit and follow the links to the on-line quiz.
You will have a maximum of 30 minutes to complete the quiz.
You must undertake the quiz within the specified dates. If you are unable to complete the quiz within the specified dates, you are advised to contact the Unit Coordinator.
Assessment Criteria
Measures Intended Learning Outcome:
Criterion 1
Clear evidence of understanding of key issues and concepts covered during weeks 1-3
1Task length
20 MCQ questions to be completed within 30 minutes
Due by date
Quiz on MyLO opens 0100 hrs Thursday 19/11/20 and is due to be completed before 2359 hrs on Friday 20/11/20
Assessment task 2
Task Description
Written Assignment
“Discuss the significance of Recovery principles in the provision of care for individuals with mental health problems”.
The assignment is for you to demonstrate understanding of:
- basic human psychosocial needs and their relationship to Mental Health Assessment 2.
- challenges faced by individuals with mental health problems in society during their recovery.
The primary focus is then for you to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the ‘Recovery’ approach and its application in Mental Health Assessment 2
Assessment Criteria
Measures Intended Learning Outcome:
Criterion 1
Discussion of key aspects of the Recovery approach for Mental Health Assessment 2
Criterion 2
Discussion of issues relating to mental health recovery
Criterion 3
Overall presentation of academic writing and referencing
Task length
1500 words
Due by date
Thursday 07/01/2021 at 2.00 pm
Final Exam
Description / conditions
Students will sit a two-hour exam comprising of 40 MCQs and 8 Short Answer Questions (SAQs) during the examination period.
This exam will assess material covered in the set readings from Evans et al (2017) ‘Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing’ and lecture/tutorial/workshop content for weeks 1-7.
Assessment Criteria
Measures Intended Learning Outcome:
Criterion 1
Demonstrate clear evidence of understanding of key issues and concepts in relation to Mental Health Assessment 2.
The final exam is conducted online via MyLO during the Exam period. The actual date and time will be announced in due course.
See the Examinations and Results page on the University’s website or access your personal exams timetable by logging into the eStudent Centre – Personal Exams Timetable for specific date and time closer to the examination period.
Required readings
You will need the following text [available from the Co-op Bookshop]:
- Evans, K., Nizette, D., & O’Brien, A. J. (2017). Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing (4 ed.). Chatswood, N.S.W: Elsevier Australia. http://www.elsevierhealth.com.au/psychiatric-mental-health-nursing-9780729542319.html
- Hercelinskyj, G. & Alexander, L. (2020). Mental health nursing: Applying theory to practice. 1st edition. Melbourne: Cengage Australia.
Recommended readings
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
Issues in Mental Health Nursing
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
Reading Lists
Reading Lists provide direct access to many unit readings in one place. This includes eReadings and items in Reserve. You can access the Reading List for this unit from the link in MyLO, or by going to the Reading Lists page on the University Library website.
Details of teaching arrangements
This unit is delivered with a combination of on-line lectures delivered via MyLO (My Learning Online) and tutorials/workshops.
Specific attendance/performance requirements
In this unit, your active engagement will be monitored in the following way:- Attempted Assessment 1 Quiz due between 0100 hrs Thursday 19/11/20 and 2359 hrs on Friday 20 November 2020.
[Mental Health Assessment 2: ANSWER PREVIEW]
Principles of recovery-oriented mental health practice holds that patients are unique and, therefore, their outcomes are equally personal (Australian Government Department of Health, 2010).
As such, any approach to provision of care ought to be tailored to fit the patient’s individual circumstances.
Studies, for instance, have acknowledged patients from different backgrounds like socioeconomic and ethnic (Lake and Turner, 2017). These backgrounds are not mere descriptions of patients, but greatly influence their recovery process.
Socioeconomic factors, which vary from one patient to the other, may support or challenge recovery among individuals with Mental Health Assessment 2.
Socioeconomically disadvantaged patients (unemployed, low income, homeless, and poor) are at a higher risk of mental health (Macintyre et al., 2018).
Such patients, undoubtedly, risk slower recovery and, in some cases, may not even recover if the provision of care does not address these issues. In this regard, the fact that recovery principles acknowledge…[Buy Full Answer for Just USD 9: 1500 WORDS] Go Home…